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The clown that hides from gay people

A funny thing in middle school where someone would ask you if you have seen the clown that's hides from.. You know. Gay People. And if you say no... Well.. your gay then.

Jack: Have you seen the clown that hides from gay people?

John: yes

Jack: ok

by hahahahahahregsrvwrtvhw64rt November 5, 2022

6πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

are polish people gay?


are polish people gay? ... ex : hey are you gay?? - someone whos not polish

omaigad very!! - someone who is polish

by fleffixa November 17, 2021

11πŸ‘ 22πŸ‘Ž

May 23rd: National Gay People Be Sad Day

A day where gay people are sad.

Oh, I get why you're sad, it's because it's May 23rd: National Gay People Be Sad Day

by Most average sized Dav May 23, 2023

What time do gay people go to sleep?

The answer is 11:00 p.m. If you go to bed then you are 🏳️ 🌈 Happy Pride ig

What time do gay people go to sleep?
Lilli: Im going to bed.

Amelia: Omg it’s 11:00
Lilli: What?

Amelia: The time the gays go to sleep
Lilli: Omg

by Hottie Amelia June 2, 2022