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the russian who likes pie yet is mentallly retarded!

Look at Gena! I mean.... geeeeeeeez!

by Vige November 11, 2004

20👍 95👎


It means yer stoopid!! like off.. in the head.. physically and mentally!!! (oh and this is tha one that refers to sewa)..........

Damn!! she's all gena!!!

by tha one and only Ga~Ga November 30, 2004

14👍 89👎


A guy who sucks at UO and doesn't play on a really really mad shard that his friend plays on.

Gena likes to be called jenna

by JaSoN November 18, 2003

10👍 81👎

Gena Syndrome

Awful syndrome where you are basically sick and tired all the time. The few days you actually feel good you turn into a loud short drunk person.... That spills their drinks on others nice things.

What's wrong with you? Stop spilling your drink all over my nice stuff!

Stop yelling at me! I have Gena syndrome!!!

by T_Rains February 2, 2014

gena milton

a fat bitch that talks to much shit and fucks everything up!!

by Anonymous July 28, 2003

3👍 7👎


A beautiful girl, loves cows and sticks up for friends. She will never let anyone down and will pull any boy.

Guy one: hey I like gena
Guy two: yooo me to but she likes cj

by Addie wells May 21, 2021