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get the fuck out of the break room

to leave an area or place while referring to the place as the "break room"

We were all at the mall, when he said "Hey guys, wanna get the fuck out of the break room?"

by Lemonius October 18, 2010

2👍 3👎

get the fuck out of my room i'm playing minecraft

A 7 second video of a man holding a camera walking into a room and then being greeted with a preteen playing minecraft and is mad because his PvP skills suck.

*Opens door*

by cute fwuffy furry!! UwU~ hehe January 1, 2017

50👍 2👎

getting clawed the fuck out of

v. the act of having sexual intercourse with a feline

Hey bro, i'm getting clawed the fuck out of my mind tonight. want to join?

by mastaoftheinternet March 28, 2011

Get the fuck out of my room, mom! I'm playing minecraft!

A term exclusive to pre-teens and individuals below the age of thirteen, exceptions are made for lowlifes and socially incompetent adolescents when faced with a challenge, (typically a relative, since individuals whom use this term haven't moved out of their parent's house) standing between the individual and their gaming.
This game is exclusive to minecraft naturally, however these gamers still remain dominant over the peasants whom still play fortnite
Get a life.

Karen is never coming back.

Kyle: "Get the fuck out of my room, mom! I'm playing minecraft!"
Karen: "But Kyle, your dad is on the phone."
Kyle: "What the fuck does he want?"

Ominous figure behind Karen: "The kids."

by Eddie Toast September 16, 2019

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Mom! Get the fuck out of my room I'm in an online class!

what you scream at your parents when your watching porn and don't want your parents to come in.

Mom! Get the fuck out of my room I'm in an online class!
Ok! Sorry!

by Collloser The Typer Boi January 5, 2021

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Well why don't you make like a tree then, and get the fuck out!

An idiom used to tell someone to get the fuck out.
Popularized by Doc, the old bar owner in The Boondock Saints, during the scene leading up to the bar fight with the Russian Mafia. Doc, who suffers from tourettes, commonly stutters and, therefore, mixes sayings (such as "People in glass houses sink ships"). Doc, who wants the Russian Mafia to gtfo, tells asks: "Well why don't you make like a tree then, and get the fuck out!"

NOTE: In order to sound authentic the quote must me said in an Irish accent

Nic:"You're such a douchebag."
Dan: "Well why don't you make like a tree then, and get the fuck out!"

by dancesinblood1 October 17, 2011

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A word use to showing people that they dont want anyone to annoy them

hey dude h-

by stinkyguy123 September 28, 2022