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"Peace-up-one-blud-get-a-job" is a greeting or tag line for people who like to speak fast.

dave-:"cya later*waves*"

by Captain_frisk September 3, 2007

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Glendas Get Jobs

A motto that Bostonian hipster women say to themselves when preparing for a job interview in order to remind themselves that boring, conservative, unattractive women are more likely to get jobs. This motto often results in hipster women removing their leggings, vans and fedoras before their interview.

"I was going to wear my favorite COEXIST T-shirt to my interview but then i remembered that Glendas get jobs."

by TooSharpe June 3, 2014

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get a job week

Get a job week is a week between January 1st and January 7th and it means that you need to get a job if not, you might get laughed at

Person 1:Hey! Did you finish get a job week? There's one day left!
Person 2:I'm going to get interviewed today

by Handleisalready January 4, 2023

Get a job

Why? So you can take another crack at trying to suck my dick?

Hym "Boy oh boy would I love to have a real dialogue in the context of my public notoriety with someone who knows who I am."

Guy "Get a job!"

Hym "Super helpful. I never would have thought of that without your petty, bitch-made retort. That's a great idea because that way I won't get what I want and I'll get to work until I die without getting what I want. Fantastic advice. You're a true scholar."

by Hym Iam July 21, 2022

Quit proselytizing for a religion you don't believe in so you don't have to get a real job

You fucking failure.

Hym "Quit proselytizing for a religion you don't believe in so you don't have to get a real job. That's the real fear, isn't it? That I WILL be perfectly happy with a materialistic life. Your values... Your ethics... Your morality.... All rendered moot by the man who doesn't need your 'wisdom' or your God. That's why you're being deliberately obtuse. Because when I suceed, I won't need any of you."

by Hym Iam May 4, 2024