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Booty A legend totally worth of respect for any reason

Ahh, you the man

by 114455 April 25, 2018

15πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž


Giovanni is the name of a puerto rican italian and often is crushing on a hot girl he loves all girls and is often a ladies man

Giovanni hes sexy

by Movie lover 55321 July 3, 2018

7πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


Giovanni. The definition of smoking hot When he runs his fingers through his hair you will probably cum All the girls want him. He is very loyal to his girlfriend Giovanni’s are very good in bed and are extremely sexy

Girl 1: β€œlook at how sexy Giovanni is”
Girl 2: β€œi want him”

by treelover101 March 30, 2018

18πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž


Giovanni is a super hot dude who has a huge dick and is the smartest in his class. All the girls want to be owned by him. All the guys get jealous about Giovanni. All the girls wish he was there with them every night in bed.

Guy: Man, Giovanni gets all the coochie and he is such a player. Lucky...

by god_himself_lol April 9, 2019

7πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


A great kid who’s athletic and is looking like a snack everyday and gets all the bitches.

Look at that Giovanni over there

by Libonati November 9, 2018

8πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


A tall noodle man who is really fast and has been in track all year. Also a boy who is kind of a bot kid TTV at fortnite but a god at APEX LEGENDS. YEEEEEET. Looks really cool. Pretty chill dood. Can take jokes sometimes. If you know a Giovanni, or Gio, make him read this. Also RREEAALLYY likes that ONE girl in ANIME BOOKS. ALSO, reads some anime, crafty. Sad,Kid, Yeet. OVERALL, a really cool dood. Also the boyfriend of more than one girls (not applied to all Giovannis.) Don't be rude to a Giovanni, he always a cool dood. Yeet

Human 1: Have you seen the new kid Giovanni?
Human 2: Indeed, he is a pretty cool guy, you should talk to him.
Human 1: Alright I will, byeee.

by APEX_PDTRR October 10, 2019

9πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž


Giovanni is usually referred to someone sexually gifted. His taste in women are so good! And he is so tall and hot. But he is also sweet and can be cute at the same time. Giovanni has a lot of friends and is usually outgoing.

Girl 1 : Omg! Giovanni is soo hot! Bet he's hot in the bed
Girl 2 : Ha! You wish! He's all mine, so back off
Girl 3 : Nope! He's mine and always has been
Guy 1 : I wish I was giovanni
Guy 2: Samee

by Giovannisohot November 5, 2019