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A pretty awesome dude who created everything in 6 days. Can you do that? Didn't think so.

And God said, "Let there be ALL this shit." And there was ev'rything.

by Cats in Hats & Hats in Cats January 24, 2011

187πŸ‘ 99πŸ‘Ž


a person that had no parents...


by Boi On A Unicycle November 6, 2018

72πŸ‘ 37πŸ‘Ž


Think about it... If God exists, he would be the greatest slave owner in existence.

"Hi, I'm God. I created the world and everyone in it for the sole purpose of having them worship and serve me for life in the hopes that I will save them from myself."

How does this make sense to people at all?

by no7orious May 15, 2009

715πŸ‘ 442πŸ‘Ž


A very misunderstood Being.

A lot of definition's on here blame God for many things, such as starving children, unpunished people, parts of the world being destroyed, yet none seem to realize that it is of our own doing that these things happen.
For our evil these children suffer, and die. Of our own doing we create criminal's, and people who go "unpunished" WE are the ones destroying our own planet. One of the greatest things God has ever given us is the power of Free Will, whether or not we choose to abuse it is of our own accord, and he is not to blame for it, it is us, as evil, sinning people. Just as humans are, and always will be, we love to put the blame on someone or something else, instead of taking responsibility for own own actions.

This is what i believe, God, whether or not you choose to agree is completely up to you.

by iloveyouall1245 September 26, 2011

95πŸ‘ 51πŸ‘Ž


You can't see him because he is not there.

Brasil: So, you're saying that God is the only way to eternal salvation?
HyunGyum: Yeah man, God is all loving and he will save you.
Brasil: Then, why does God make bad people go unpunished?
HyunGyum: hmm...
Brasil: Why doesn't God save the hungry children of the world? That doesn't sound like the "all-loving God" I have heard so much about.
HyunGyum: ...
Brasil: That's right! God doesn't do all of that because he doesn't exist!

Atheists: 1
Believers: 0

by BrasilStyle May 6, 2009

2829πŸ‘ 1954πŸ‘Ž


The guy who created us all, and everything. The one who watches us, knows when and how we will die, when and where we will mean our soul mate and basically everything.

Thank you God for saving my life.

by DVDMe February 22, 2015

42πŸ‘ 23πŸ‘Ž


Morgan Freeman

God is Morgan Freeman

by ugaybitch69 November 18, 2019

24πŸ‘ 15πŸ‘Ž