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hallam is a term for somene with a huge penis

dam that sso big its a hallam

by 696969696696coolepic420 September 8, 2022


A large man who gets all the hoes

Omg I would let hallam eat my ass

by Big crusty toes July 4, 2022


My God, Hallam. Well Hallam's are Gods. They have brain, they can withstand great pain but most of all they have jawlines almost sharper than Timothée Chalamet's himself .
Although Hallam's are the best they do have some downfalls like being kind and attractive.

My best dreams are ones with Hallam in them.

by Tengro December 17, 2021

Morgan Hallam

Right I'm going to tell you this straight to not end up like this ginger he has a very bad reputation for threatening to beg people for a game of FIFA he got pied off my a girl and now he gets vexed when you mention it he also a chicken legs so don't be surprised if you hear him go bark bark now and again

Don't be Morgan Hallam please I'm begging you

by Cummins cider April 22, 2017