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Hawaiian Fever

A euphemism for 'lakanookie'; itself a Hawaiianisation of the phrase 'lack of nookie', meaning a sexual drought.

1 - What's wrong with him? He seems to be agitated and quite cranky these days.

2 - It's been a month since he's had a girlfriend, so he's probably got Hawaiian Fever.

1 - What's that?

2 - It's another name for lakanookie.

by Ex libris October 1, 2013

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Hawaiian bread

A synonym for weed, pot, and marijuana it's name comes from the sweet smell of the bread and or drug

Snoop dogg really loves to smoke that Hawaiian bread every day.

by carlosthepro April 27, 2015

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hawaiian brothers

Also known as the Koury-Nori connection, it is a bond forged when one man is getting a blowjob from a female and makes eye-contact with another man.

I was having a nice time with Susan, when Tom walked in and we became Hawaiian brothers.

by Neff Jewman March 29, 2017

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Hawaiian Tugboat

Getting your cock jerked off by a girl with lotion while she's sucking your balls

Damn bro, you got a Hawaiian Tugboat.. Be proud, they're rare

by Knux, Neighbor January 24, 2013

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going hawaiian

It means saying you will do something and then doing something entirely not relevant to what you intended to do.

Origin: Beetlejuice Goes Hawaiian and therefore, Beetlejuice Going Hawaiian.
New Beetlejuice movie (Beetlejuice 2) is said to have this title. But, in reality, will have nothing to do with Hawaii. But possibly tallying bananas.

by stumblemuffin February 14, 2014

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hawaiian blowjob

When you open a can of pineapple and take a ring of pineapple around his dick , and enjoy the flavor .

I did an Hawaiian blowjob on that guy and it tasted good .

by Blablaandbla January 13, 2016

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Hawaiian Punch

You insert your fist repeatedly while the female is on her menstrual cycle. Thus creating Hawaiian Punch.

Vanessa: "Stephen we can't have sex im on my period."

Stephen: "Well perhaps, we can try something new!"

Vanessa: "Like what?"

Stephen: "Its called a Hawaiian Punch."

by Datthott September 29, 2012

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