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the heights

The Heights, in Bethesda MD, is probably one of the most pathetic schools in all of MD. These kids are too stupid to get in anywhere better (STA, Landon, Prep) and arent good enough to play sports anywhere. Heights guys are known for their extreme sadness and inability to do anything right. Whoever wrote about Heights lax below, I laugh. The Heights lacrosse program, like every other thing at that school is a laughing stock. If ur not good at sports, or school, and very ugly, you should go to the Heights.

The HeightsHeights kid- god dammit i have to go to this awful school, i didnt even get into bullis
Heights kid 2- whatever man heights lax is sweet, did u see gunnar gingery score 2 goals against Sidwell Friends?
Heights kid- yeah but we lost that game 15-2

by GGinger June 4, 2006

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The Heights

The guys who didnt get into Gonzaga or Landon. Basically a C-class prep school. They are hoooorrrrrrrrrible at sports and are to scared to talk to girls. They ususally have their first girlfriend in college.

"We Gonzaga guys dont make fun of them, if we were gay we would go there too!"

by theheightsisajoke June 18, 2005

35๐Ÿ‘ 94๐Ÿ‘Ž

cardinal heights

A school in sun prairie, wi, just outside of madison where way too many middle schoolerssmoke weed

Person 1: Hey, you hear about that fight at cardinal heights?
Person 2: Which one? There were 5 this week.
Person 1: The third. Wanna smoke some weed?

by Ooga booga 34 February 24, 2019

Height supremacist

A male or female who uses the height of other individuals as their main way of establishing their value and character.

Mike is a height supremacist because he only dates tall girls.

by Puckhard.com December 20, 2014

31๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

In the heights

Extremely annoyed or jealous.

Adam is in the heights now because that girl rejected him

by Itsyourboy December 13, 2018

1๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž

Height Flight

1. When a short man leaves a location because a taller man arrives.

2. A short man's dysfunctional overuse of steroids, protein shakes, loud banter, and obsessive body building routines, to compensate for the intimidation he feels around taller men.

3. The hyperspastic rage a short guy suffers from when he is hitting on a group of girls and sees a tall guy approaching. Resulting in the short guy bragging about how often he works out, turning red, cock blocking the tall guy, then running out of the bar, kicking a parking meter, and crying in his car, with snot dribbling into his mouth, while listening to Celine Dion on his way home to Burbank.

A large population of short dudes with height flight move to Los Angeles every year because they are intimidated in their Midwestern and East Coast hometowns by the majority population of taller men.

"Gary I'm not leaving the bar just because you bought all those girls drinks and they stopped talking to you as soon as that tall dude started hitting on them. You need to get over your height flight."

by EDDIEFM July 28, 2013

fernal heights

a fictional san francisco neighborhood, based on the actual neighborhood name bernal heights. To go here is to actually just drink OR want to drink an excessive amount of fernet.

dude i took the train to fernal heights last night and ended up chowdering in my bed.

by David Ruiz March 26, 2008