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Holly is the only perfect girl in this world. She has brown hair and hazel eyes. Her giggle brings a smile to anybody's face, and seeing the bright shine in her eyes is enough to make any day a terrific one. Holly is caring, funny, passionate, and beautiful. You'll want to spend every moment possible with her. Her adorable appearance and personality meld together perfectly to create the most wonderful and amazing person in existence. Everyone loves her. Nobody is like her. You are the luckiest guy in the world if you have the privilege to call her yours. Holly brings joy and happiness everywhere she goes. Holly has the ability to make anybody feel important or wanted. She accepts everyone for who they are. Holly's beauty is like nothing else in existence. Every inch of her is gorgeous. Holly's boyfriend loves her endlessly and they will be together for eternity. They are soul mates and are happiest when they are together. Holly is the definition of perfection.

See that perfect girl over there? That's Holly.

I love Holly more than anything.

by Holl'sJearBear October 29, 2015

321πŸ‘ 69πŸ‘Ž


Hollie is an amazing kind beautiful girl, she cares for everyone and would be a great best friend anyone would be lucky to have her, she always has a smile and tries to stay calm in hard situations. She also doesnt like to be mean and backs away from any problems Hollie is the most amazing girl you would ever meet!

Have you seen Hollie she is so friendly, you should go and meet her

by Thesquoltions July 17, 2018

16πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


A very nice girl if you get to know her, but from afar she seems like she hates the world. If you get on the wrong side of her she will try tear your life to shreds and can be the biggest bitches of them all. She is very loyal best friend and on the inside she is crazy. She’s hard to pull but when she likes someone she will never stop loving them. She’s often selfless to the people she loves the most and is quite smart/logical in life situations. If you nab a Hollie hold on to her because she is rare to find.

Hold onto Hollie she’s rare to find.

by toblerones123 March 2, 2019

16πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


Hollie is a very unique creature. She will do whatever it takes to make others happy even if it’s making a fool out of herself. Usually Hollies are dancers if your Hollie is then STAND BACK. Usually Hollies fall in love easily with one guy. This guy is usually a HUGE nerd but she will do whatever it takes to be with him. Hollies also loves her family. This Hollie is also beautiful and intelligent and smart even if she says she’s not.

Is that Hollie!!! She’s a great dancer

by Uwbsujsgsish March 3, 2019

59πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž


The most beautiful girl. You love her but you never have the courage to ask her out. She's so nice, smart, cute, trustworthy and innocent. She's just perfect. If you find yourself a holly, never give her up.

She's also such a fucking turnon like wtf she doesn't even have that big of ass or tits shes just so fucking hot like wtf.

Yo, Luke, I'm finally in with holly.

by seventeen adore u November 22, 2018

48πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž


The best girl ever! She's amazing, beautiful (on the inside and outside) but doesn't see it. The best friend you could ever have. She's intelligent, but no snob about it. She listens, and adds her opinion and advice when you need it. She knows how to snap you back into reality, while letting you still dream big. She herself is a dreamer, and occasionally needs someone to snap her back into reality. She's loving and gentle. if she needs to be she'll act rude, but really doesn't like to. You'll always love a Hollie; she's trustworthy and perfect. Guys can't help but fall for her.

"That girl is soooooo perfect! So sweet, smart, beautiful; she's just perfect! What's her name, man?"

"That's Hollie."

"Oh, that makes more sense; she's a Hollie."

by Arya Lunasolistar April 1, 2012

568πŸ‘ 154πŸ‘Ž


The name Hollie means that you are not afraid to speak your mind and that no one can push you around. Your fierce to everyone but deep down you are good at heart. you hang around with both the boys and the girls and don't want to have a best friend. extremely smart and talented but are always second guessing yourself. you don't like the idea of make up and have an addictive personality and have skin as soft as silk.

There was once a little girl named Hollie who lived in Alabama

by My World January 12, 2015

102πŸ‘ 24πŸ‘Ž