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Home Depot

A place where all dads come to meet and get supplies for fixing that darn hole in the wall.

Tom: I saw your dad yesterday
John: He hasn't been around for years, where is he?
Tom: Home Depot
John: Oh good, we need a new sink
Tom: What happened to it?
John: I took a shet in it

by That username is in use April 28, 2020

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Home Depot

A store that sells home improvement equipment. The biggest tool of them all. Also can be considered a person by the name of schooley....

Sarah you going to Home Depot!

by Hat World November 3, 2003

6๐Ÿ‘ 19๐Ÿ‘Ž


(v.) To do some home improvement or repair yourself that normally whatshisname (your ex) or a handyman would do, except you're divorced, which is why you're too cheap to call a handyman. To DIY.

I couldn't home-depot my way out of that one, so I had to call Roto-Rooter and put it on Visa.

by dinachka7 March 9, 2007

24๐Ÿ‘ 14๐Ÿ‘Ž


The act of reinforcing one's bed in anticipation of vigorous sex, especially involving interracial partners.

Dude, I can't play tennis today because I'm Home-Depoting my bed. LaKeisha is coming over tonight so I have to pick up some 2x4s.

by bulletproof_7 September 7, 2018

home depot

a gigantic orange blob that people go to for their home improvement needs. the employees are jerkasses. the whole chain thrives on suburbanites. carpenters and builders usually go in in there one time, and it's the last time.

bob: hey you build this deck?
steve: yeah, suzy and I went to home de...
bob sprays out beer over deck.

by mutated seabass June 17, 2005

47๐Ÿ‘ 53๐Ÿ‘Ž

home depot

1.to declare your tools offlimits or to claim you dont have any when someone wants to borrow yours

2. to give a hint that you dont care or dont have time to help look for lost tools when ask to help find them

Another words " home depot will at least tell you which isle its in and be more than happy to sale it to you"

3.another way to tell a person figure it out on your own, or go ask someone who cares, if asked for advice on how to do something. because home depot employees claim to care, try to help, and are convinced that they know everything,

1.do you have a hammer i can use?
no, home depot does
2.Will you help me find a hammer?
no, Home depot will
3.Do you know how to fix this?
no,home depot knows

by Scotty King February 16, 2008

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home depot

1.) Rosie O'Donnell's home. Each Home Depot comes with its own Rosie clone.
2.) The most lesbionic thing in the world.

1.) Rosie O'Donnell lives at Home Depot.

2.) Chastity Bono is so lesbionic, she's Home Depot.

by Aunt Gina October 26, 2005

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