Source Code

bow chicka honk honk

From the web series Red Vs. Blue. The corrupted verion of the phrase "bow chicka wow wow", used by Tucker's half-alien, half-human, child, Junior. A mix of the Blarg-Honk language of the alien and the English of Tucker.

Junior: Bow chicka honk honk

by Why do you need your own name? February 17, 2009

80๐Ÿ‘ 16๐Ÿ‘Ž

bow chicka honk honk

the pimped up version of bow chicka wow wow

"wanna have sex?"

"bow chicka honk honk"

by Wawaweewa May 8, 2007

27๐Ÿ‘ 77๐Ÿ‘Ž


Something to randomly yell out in complete silence with an exaggeratedly low-pitch voice.

*akward silence, people stand around doing nothing, someone looks around with shifty eyes as the crickets barely chirp, then yells* Honk-Honk-Scooby-Doo!

by Kayla Pape October 15, 2003

8๐Ÿ‘ 21๐Ÿ‘Ž

Moomala Harris Honk Honk

A bitch with big titty milky mommy goth milkers running for vice presidency she is fucking hot and i wanna pipe

Damn this girl is hot but she aint no moomala harris honk honk

by uygyygjghjghjjghkjhk December 5, 2020

1๐Ÿ‘ 14๐Ÿ‘Ž

honk honk

When someone constantly honks their car horn.


by DaRealDMIA May 15, 2023

Honk honk

Phrase used to add emphasis to what has just been said, though with no intrinsic meaning of its own.

And that's what you mean by football - honk honk!

by November 15, 2020

Honk honk

An anti-Semetic dog whistle that started at /pol/ on 4chan. Originally intended as an innocent derivative of Pepe, it spread from a Discord server as a silly meme. Nearly one month after it was originally posted, a 4chan user uploaded it in a post that read "Why Honk Honk is the next OK sign." While this text may imply that the symbol is a fake symbol (as was the OK sign), that's the intended effect of a dog whistle.

"Honk honk" also forms the initials "HH," meaning "Heil Hitler." The numerical code "88" also achieves this affect among white supremacist circles.

While "honk honk" is described as a hate symbol here, this is still a joke. Please be wary of what else they're posting before accusing them of being anti-Semetic.

by SmartPatrolOperative May 22, 2022