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hungover as a duck

when you're hungover as shit after a spending a night drunk as a skunk

I'm hungover as a duck let's go get some grub

by pokeythepony June 26, 2021

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Hungover TV

TV shows watched while hungover from a long night of drinking; usually such shows require low attention, particularly cartoons

I watched so much hungover TV this past weekend.

by PENGUINCARL July 25, 2008

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Love Hungover

Being love hungover means you had enough love for a day. You usually get this feeling after a you get out of a relationship and are emotionally numb. When you have a love hangover you dont want to be in a relationship or be around your boyfriend for a while.

Ricky: Hey you want to go out?
Jade: No.. Im sorry, I just got out of a relationship and Im kinda Love Hungover..

by Skybuggy July 16, 2014

sleep hungover

When you sleep so much, that you stumble around when you get out of bed.

Man, I slept for 13 hours last night, and I woke up so sleep hungover

by xorachie August 18, 2008

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car hungover

When youve been in the car for several hours, most likely stopped at a gas station and taken many weird naps. Now you are left with this feeling of sicknesses, but it's not motion sickness.

How's the road trip going
Decent, but man am I car hungover

by Possibly Tiny Person July 19, 2019

Hungover Horn

The extreme level of horniness a person achieves when slightly hungover after a night out.

Goffrey: Damn you hungover horn, how am I going to be able to go to work with this raging hard on??

by Goffrey4111 August 27, 2015

football hungover

The horrible morning-after hangover, when your college football team wins a nail-biter and you stay up until 4 in the morning running around on campus screaming and freaking out. Symptoms include but are not limited to voice loss, stomach-ache, and waking up 7 minutes before your 11:40 class starts.

Boise State beat VA Tech 33 to 30 and the entire campus freaked out. Over 1000 students ran all the way to the Capital Building and cheered, screamed, went crazy on the steps. The morning after, mot of them were feeling very football hungover.

by Wade Pehrson September 7, 2010