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hypnosis orgasm

the best kind of orgasm, its a bit like being on weed but not as strong (for me that is)

guy 1 = dude check this hypnosis orgasm video, you'll thank me for it

6 minutes later...

guy 2 = that was incredible!

by EEwisewolf April 7, 2008

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poop hypnosis

when your mesmerized by the smell and sound of others pooping

lee had total poop hypnosis while visiting his friend ronni, he couldn't move from the outside of the bathroom door.

by nnylrehteah September 21, 2008

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halitosis hypnosis

The effect someone gets when a person with bad breath is speaking to them. The condition is made worse if it involves being on a date. Indications are, weariness in the limbs, a blind stare, the worst being loss of consciousness.

Woman: "Where did you go right now? You seem completely out of it."

Man: "Well Miss, I am sorry to say this, but your breath put me under Halitosis Hypnosis, Gotta Run!"

by blumehauser October 15, 2009

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horny hypnosis

Horny hypnosis is when you literally jerk off to anything and everything while horny. Like, literally anything. Anything from My Little Pony sex all the way to some dark web bondage nugget porn

Dave: Dude, last night I rubbed one out to some really weird shit.. I don't know what got over me...

Paul: Bro, what you had was a bad case of horny hypnosis

by Purplebedsheets June 18, 2019

Hypnosis Phantastica

n. The highest feeling of euphoria,and the hallucinating experience under the influence of a psychedelic substance. The feeling is usually indescribable using adjectives.

When Chris ate the mushrooms he found in the pasture, he soon experienced true hypnosis phantastica.

by CD F September 20, 2022

Wikipedia Hypnosis

When somebody goes onto Wikipedia to find a specific piece of information and, usually via wikilinks, ends up going off track and going through a bunch of unrelated articles. This can be common among students who have a low attention span or other focus issues.

Person: Hey dude, Imma go onto Wikipedia to find when the Soviet Union collapsed.
Dude: OK, just don't lose track of time.
*20 minutes later*
Person: How am I on an article about racism in Australia?!
Dude: Wikipedia Hypnosis, I presume? You've gotta work on your focus, man.

by some urban dictionary user April 3, 2022

Erotic Hypnosis

Having sex without even bein touched, how brave.

"I tryied erotic hypnosis!"

"You stayed in that room 5 minutes."

by GanonPianeti December 2, 2021