Source Code

I Came, I Saw, I Konked Her

Where you ejaculate in her eye and then konk on the head with a frying pan.

Bruce: Hey Heratio where's your girlfriend Farncine.
Heratio: Well actually 'I Came, I Saw, I Konked her' last night and she hasnt woken up.

by Duffy123456789 October 9, 2008

20๐Ÿ‘ 25๐Ÿ‘Ž


A Known guy on ps3 who is a total badass he is also a funny fucker

I-Dyson-I go into league play

10 Year old Kid-"Hey guys"
Dyson-"Right i'm putting my mic in"
10 Year old Kid-"*Starts Screaming*"
Dyson-"Go out on your fucking bike"
10 Year old Kid-"I Don't have a bike"
Dyson-"Then get a fucking bike kid"
10 Year old Kid-"*Crys*"

by The Chosen One September 1, 2014

1๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž


A call and response rallying cheer known to all students and alumni of the University of Illinois (the REAL one, in Chambana) and heard not only at sporting events, but also, as rumor has it, in random locations throughout the world such as Disney World, the Wisconsin Dells, or Rome.

Someone will yell "I-L-L" and everyone in hearing yells back "I-N-I," thus successfully spelling the team name, Illini (or fighting Illini, so named for military veterans). Often repeated many times in succession.

Sometimes the leader is a cheerleader or a drunk person, but this is not required. If the first part is yelled, the reply must be loud and automatic or you didn't really go to this school.

Copied by the University of Missouri who believe their team name (Tigers) and/or state name (Missouri) is spelled "M-I-Z Z-O-U."

Along with "Oskee Wow-Wow," this serves not only as a cheer, but also as a friendly greeting among Illini (often recognized by their Chief Illinwek gear) and a great conversation starter. Serves the purpose of a secret handshake in helping to identify potential allies.

Cheerleaders: I-L-L!
Crowd: I-N-I!
Cheerleaders and Drunk Guy: I-L-L!
Crowd: I-N-I!
*team does something embarrassing*
Drunk Guy: I-L-L!
*crickets chirp*
Drunk Guy: I-L-L!
Person in front of Drunk Guy: i-n-i?

Stranger 1: (notices Chief logo across busy street) I-L-L
Stranger 2: (not knowing who yelled at them) I-N-I!!!

Funeral Director: That's a nice orange and blue tie. I-L-L.
Dead alumnus: I-N-I.
Funeral Director: So what was your major?
Dead alumnus: Engineering. You?
Funeral Director: ....

*Chaos reigns in the streets and violent mobs are forming due to the zombiepocalypse. A lone person cries out: I-L-L? Instantly, a group of 25 Illinois alums rush to the rescue, shouting their battle cry: I-N-I!!!! as they bash in zombie heads and continue on their merry way with their new member, yelling "I-L-L I-N-I" all the while.*

by Bring Back the Chief March 14, 2012

37๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž

i haagen i

Term is said when one person wants ice cream, instead of saying i want ice cream they would say, i haagen i, meaning, i want ice cream i. Also said when one is owning (OMFG0RZ ur I HAAGEN I)

I Haagen I, dood i sure would want some Haagen Dazs.

by Dazs December 4, 2007

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Irrelevant To I gotta I

Wats up dog

Bro Irrelevant To I gotta I

by Natedawg248 December 30, 2020

I Raff I Ruse

A common meme found on image boards such as 4chan. The term is usually depicted in a picture of an asian man with glasses stating "Wuts dat? I raff i ruse?" In Japanese, the "r's" and "l's" are interchangeable consonants when spoken. It is a play on a common meme "You laugh you lose" in a various image board to which 2 rules I shall not break. Most laugh you lose threads link to a youtube video of something utterly retarded.

Anonymous: ITT: You laugh you lose.

Anonyfag: Fuck, i lost...

Anonyfag 2: Wuts dat? I raff i ruse?

by Viralklasm May 20, 2009

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I shibb I

Someone who is a major beef cake and straightens everyone he meets!

Did you guys see that i shibb i, he was amazing!

by Erico3727 November 19, 2007

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