Source Code


A movie of which everything in the world can be compared to a scene or theme.

Pharaoh: Hey hey hey Joseph, you interpreted my dream yet?

Joseph: Yeah Pharaoh, and damn, it's like that scene in "Inception!"

by P. Gordo August 16, 2010

10๐Ÿ‘ 32๐Ÿ‘Ž


To plant an idea, sow seeds, or lay groundwork--especially in the context of a future hook up or relationship

Phil: Yo, I incepted her last night.
Paul: DUDE. You planted a dream within her dream WITHIN HER DREAM??
Phil: ...what? No...I told her we should hang out this weekend.

by Brown_Thunda October 17, 2010

71๐Ÿ‘ 11๐Ÿ‘Ž


The beginning of something. The origin, start, source.

by Larstait November 7, 2003

534๐Ÿ‘ 156๐Ÿ‘Ž


the act of being or getting mind f******

Friend 1: Dude that in class essay yesterday was ridiculously hard, i had no clue what to write
Friend 2: Dude i got inceptioned by that essay

by fanous December 8, 2010

72๐Ÿ‘ 16๐Ÿ‘Ž


The period between 1-2 days of seeing the movie, still trying to wonder what the f*ck just happened.

Man and Woman walk out of Theater:
-man: so was it all a dream?
woman: i think it was reality.-

And thus, you are Inceptioned

by awqaw August 7, 2010

90๐Ÿ‘ 22๐Ÿ‘Ž


the act of completely fucking someone's mind.

getting inside someones head, and either convincing them of something, or causing them to question the reality of the situation.

after inceptioning someone it is imperative to say inception to the target, letting them know they just got mind fucked


Inception is also a game, with rules

*inception is a game best played lit as fuck, and is won when one person inceptions everyone in the room, regardless. you should always help out someone trying to inception another, by validating their story.

guy1: dude so when you going to order that pizza
guy2(target): what pizza?
guy1: you just said you would order a pizza
guy3: yeah man you did say that
guy2: No i didnt
guy4: yes you did dude
guy1: come on man!
guy2: damn, alright
guy1: inception!

guy3: you just got inceptioned

target: hey you guys want to watch the game?
guy1: what?
target: the championship game?
gu1: what are you talking about, they played that yesterday
target: no its today
guy3: it was yesterday dude, we all watched it
target: :no seriously
guy1: seriously it was yesterday at 9:00
target: what! (looks it up online)
guy1: Inception!
target: damn, you inceptioned me pretty good haha

by Hardbodychamp28 April 7, 2011

24๐Ÿ‘ 9๐Ÿ‘Ž


The act of instilling an idea in someone's mind subconsciously.

After discussing how hot it is outside.

Ryan says: So I think we should go get ice cream.
Brian says: Dude, I so just incepted you.

by Gilly285986 December 29, 2011

58๐Ÿ‘ 28๐Ÿ‘Ž