Source Code

inside joke

Something two or more annoying people make up so they can exclude others.

Person: Hi. Did you take that test? I think I got that one about elephants totally wrong!

Group of annoying people: PURPLE ELEPHANT!!! *burst out laughing*

Person: Ummmm....

Group: Its an INSIDE JOKE. We can't tell you what it means!

Person: I don't care what it means.


Person: Umm okay...

by 3RDIE November 23, 2010

34๐Ÿ‘ 16๐Ÿ‘Ž

An inside joke

A joke that is only understood by a group of people and isn't allowed on urban Dictionary

-what is so funny about fenir
-you wouldn't get it its an inside joke

by Xxjoe_mamaxX October 19, 2021

inside jokes

A joke in which you do not want to be part of.

Today Jenna did something and now is part of many inside jokes with my friends.

by The man of blood and death November 18, 2018

An inside joke

The mortal enemy of the urban dictionary, since the begging of time, when they were just infants, urban took joke's stick, then a full on war that lasted 100,000,000 years saw an urban win, because it won urban does not allow insider jokes to exist within it

oh look an inside joke, KILL IT- Urban dictionary

by HalfSICKO April 12, 2021

7๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

inside joke

n. somthing incredibly funny that only you and your friends who were there at the time will ever understand. Ever.

Meghan: The s*** has hit the fan. Doooodleootdoo doo.
Multiple people: AHHH HA HA HA HA HA HA HA! oh gahh that was funny.
Victor: i don't get it.
Me: Inside joke.

by Kevin Garcia December 7, 2005

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inside joke

a joke that is formed with a select few people. Later when a certain word is shouted (like ex. cheese grater) the people "inside" will laugh hystericly while others will only be confused.

some inside jokes with my friends

cheese grater
its huge!

see? if i said that you wouldnt get it, but my friends would

by noob killer! hax October 3, 2005

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Inside joke

a joke only understood by an exclusive group of people.. usually they are used to annoy/leave out/embarrass/show off, to outsiders who don't undertand

John: "hahahha!! remember!!??! do you want fries with that??"

Jane: "oh my god!! HAHAHAH! we are so funny, that's a great inside joke!!"

Outsider: *aw i don't get it.. i feel so left out*

by Godluvsugly July 9, 2009

26๐Ÿ‘ 15๐Ÿ‘Ž