Source Code

J.R. Masterman

A public school in Philadelphia known to be in the top 100 schools in the country. #1 school in the state. Obviously, it is a magnet school but despite this it has very low funds from the city. There is so much competition for enterance that kids who get 95% on their entrance exams are put on the waiting list and often denied admission. Kids there are allowed to graduate in 11th grade (they don't get a graduation but they do get a diploma if they want it in 11th).

You go to J.R. Masterman? Wow.

by Hi __ June 11, 2009

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The J.R. Effect

When a bullheaded person is ill-trained, in charge, and singlemindedly opposes a large team of intelligent dissenters, and this stubborn decision causes severe loss, that is the J.R. effect

Usage note: The J.R. effect is often preceeded by what is known as the chewbacca defense.

Everyone told him not to heat the lava lamp on the stove, but he explained the model of the chemical structure of the subatomic particles and the flashpoint reaction -- we don't know what the fuck he was talking about. Anyway, now he's dead with a shard of glass through his heart as a result of the J.R. effect.

by Coder February 8, 2005

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J.R. Bremer

a basketball player outta St. Bonaventure whos got some skillz. He was in the nba for a while but now hes in Europe

"J.R. Bremer had like 20 last night"

by 3pointballer October 30, 2004

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J.R. Celski

An olympic bronze metal, world champion, and record setting short track speed skater. He is an amazing, inspiring person, who managed to overcome a very serious injury just months before the olympics in time to compete. Also the sexiest man alive.

Girl 1: J.R. Celski is so hot.
Girl 2: Yeah definitely. And super inspirational too!

by SoulPatch101 October 19, 2010

J.R. Stevens

When one man sits in a toilet with his butt in the water and another man proceeds to step up on the toilet with both feet and gets his dick sucked by the person in the toilet. The person standing on the toilet getting his dick sucked then flushes the toilet when he is cumming.

Kid: I'm getting tired of blumpkins i want to try something different
Other Kid: get a J.R. Stevens

by jouhne lee perry May 16, 2010

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J.R Smith

If your J.R smith then you do drugs, love to drink achohol and most of the time your very high. Also if your J.R smith and you get in the finals, you don't know whats going on.

Please don't do a J.R smith and run the clock down when we aren't winning.

by Ben dover please come here June 18, 2020

J.R. "Bob" Dobbs

The leader of the Church of the Subgenious. Also, the slack master.

All followers of the Church of the Subgenious, under J.R. "Bob" Dobbs, must have slack.

by Hannah March 7, 2005

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