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A retard youtuber who gives eye cancer the first time you see her. she also is a furry L

OH SHIT ITS JELLYBEAN!! AKA the worst person ever

by EDP445 is back bitches August 1, 2022


Mid YouTuber, only post cringe shit. If you subscribe to jellymid your father will automatically disappear.

Jellybean the annoying fuck

by Mr. Chad Buttowski April 23, 2022

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A bad youtuber who thinks people like her although half her stupid fanbase are 7 year old's who think saying "Its not a mistake its a masterpiece" is cool, jellybean is the type of person to get bullied every day and ignored by every attractive person, usually turns lesbian towards another fat ass ugly girl.

Person 1: "dude have you seen jellybean?"
Person 2: "yeah I just finished bullying the shit out of her"

by jellybadmid April 25, 2022

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Someone who looks like a hooman, but is actually a bean-shaped sweet with a gelatinous centre and a firm sugar coating who has camouflaged themself to blend with humanity. It's a miracle that the men (and women) in black haven't caught her yet. They also have impeccable taste in music and shows and are a person of culture. If you find one, shoot on sight or you'll risk getting a super cool friend (who might even take you to jellybean planet one day).

Person #1: *Listens to cool music that is not basic and watches/suggests the best shows to people*
Person #2: Holy crap, you're a Jellybean!!

by Astrifer June 24, 2021

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a fucking degenerate youtuber

Cringe child: Have you seen the newest Jellybean video?
Sane human: Go fuck yourself

by dumbfuck rffgjns jghfngjer April 20, 2022

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A Fucking 5 year old whos parents left many years ago
The phrase "Jellybean" can be used to describe an annoying piece of shit;

He/she's such a Jellybean

by A_fucking_genius May 12, 2022

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Jelly MID vince #1

Oh hi jellybean person two no thatโ€™s jelly MID

by Vincehasbigballs May 4, 2022

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