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As the 1980's approached, the name Jennifer was largely used in the U.S., Jenny, Jen, Jenni, etc were born. Because all these names were too boring, names like Nifer and Jenne were created to show appreciation to those Jennifer's that are like no other. Also means "sexy beast".

Wow! Look at that Jenne!

by turbojenne April 24, 2007

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She make people smile when she just looks at you with a serious face. She's beautiful. Which is why all guys fall for her. She can make friends very easily. She knows how to choose her friends wisely. She can either smile at you or grill you (role her eyes) at you if she wants to be your friend or not. If you mess with her you'll regret it. But sometimes she forgives and forgets. Jennelis is smart.

Jennelis is a curious girl who is a leader not a follower.

by Jennelis December 28, 2016

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A girl who is both introvert and extrovert, loves hanging,doesn't want drama but loves drama,doesn't like having a lot of friends

Has trust issues, real,loyal prideful,funny and she's beautiful

Jennes is amazing!

by Gxlden_smile July 9, 2021


Jennes is people's person but she likes her own space. She's kind loving and sweet, but don't get too comfortable with her she tends to be a bit rough at times when provoked

Jennes is sleeping

by Gxlden_smile November 23, 2021


A cocktail made of 2 parts Shiraz wine and 1 part dry gin, shaken, and served in a water bottle.

If I drink another Jenne I'll end up walking through walls.

by saria_dono April 3, 2012

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The art of making an engineer's napkin sketch look visually fascinating. The ability to articulate a story using images and sheer creativity. A feat only achievable by a graphic design guru.

I am gonna have JB jenne this idea to win that 2 million dollar contract.

by VJn June 7, 2007

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chicken pot pie

you like jenn

by daDday ang November 19, 2021

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