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Julianne is a creative, unique, somewhat sociopathic, honest girl who will make your head twirl. Shes talented in everything she does and deserves millions for all of the embarrassment she has endured from low key haters. She is genuine despite chaotic situations that are her entire life, none of which, were her fault. She is witty, pretty, full of life, and hard to bring down. Two thumbs up for Julianne.

Hey, Julianne, I'm going to make you rich, because I want you as a girlfriend. Go Julianne!

by Suklitafin November 12, 2020


Julianne is sometimes nice she is really protective of her friends and they usually have green or brown eyes and multicolored hair she is glued to her phone and she is very wild she could stay up all night! The thing that bothers me the most abt Julianne is that when people call her pretty and all she does is deny it she is very annoying but when one person who means nothing says something mean to her it could mean the whole world is ending she is very dramatic. The last thing I’m going to say about Julianne is her love life it’s not the best and she is always hung up on one guy it’s really annoying but she’s still my bestfriend

“Hey who are you on the phone with at this time
I’m on the phone with Julianne”

by Annielo March 28, 2018

7👍 2👎


Julianne is very focused on her education. She is very kind a often laughs at anything. She is also and amazing artist.

"omg is that Julianne?!"
"yasss bitch!!!!"

by "Your_Fellow_Stalker" January 15, 2020


The most amazing friend someone could ever have. She is kind, smart and extremely creative. She is very kind hearted and will risk herself for others. She always see the best in people and will never stop trying to. She always has a smile on her face and when she’s sad everyone that’s her friend is always going to comfort her because she gives so much to her friends.

“Did you see that girl the other day?” “Yeh dude that’s Julianne, she super nice!”

by MaddieisSweet September 9, 2019

3👍 1👎


The hottest sexiest person to ever live. Super sweet and caring the best girlfriend anyone Can ever have. Makes everyone around her feel super happy and positive. Super beautiful has the hottest body ever. Everyone loves her. Best person that can ever exist and no one will beat her.

Wow it’s Julianne

by Xxxtentententacion October 19, 2020


Julianne is an amazing girl. She is kind, sweet, caring, smart and is very beautiful. She is very understanding and always listens to everyone's problems even if they won't listen to her own. She has the most beautiful eyes you will ever see. Julianne often brings herself down and thinks that she is ugly and that she isn't good enough. Even though she is very beautiful, she has a hard time believing it and is very insecure about her looks. So if you ever meet a Julianne, comfort her and hold her in your arms. Make her feel good about herself and tell her that she is beautiful because that's what she is. You are very lucky if you meet a Julianne because she is such an amazing girl and do what ever it takes to not let her go.

Julianne is such a beautiful girl I am so in love with her.

by urfavartistt July 2, 2022


Julianne is a creative, unique, somewhat sociopathic, honest girl who will make your head twirl. Shes talented in everything she does and deserves millions for all of the embarrassment she has endured from low key haters. She is genuine despite chaotic situations that are her entire life, none of which, were her fault. She is witty, pretty, full of life, and hard to bring down. Two thumbs up for Julianne.

Hey, Julianne, I'm going to make you rich, because I want you as a girlfriend. Go Julianne!

by Suklitafin November 12, 2020