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A guy who works out a lot and makes fun of choir or band kids

Dude don't be a Justis

by belle99 March 1, 2015

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A mistake

Joseph, stop taking drugs thats a justy!

by anngiiee August 14, 2008

9๐Ÿ‘ 26๐Ÿ‘Ž


An Ellie's best friend. He's darling, witty, charming, and exudes pervert. But no ones cares after he unleashes the full force of his big baby browns. Not to mention his bodacious Brittany! By the way, he likes to lunchbox before school in the morning. Sometimes he can let you down, but really, who could resist him? He's ace at answering calls at two in the morning! And an expert at climbing down your roof on valentine's day (really, not)! "But he sure can kiss.." oh, that's a line from one of his favorite movies, My Best Friend's Wedding. Yeah, he's a total girl, but he's not. Really he's not. He's wonderful. This is for all you girls who may consider dating a Justie. Fair warning, his best friend is crazy about him! Only one girl's got a Justie. And for now, it's lucky little Ellie!

Brittany: Ugh, Justie is so awesome, I think I saw him lunchboxing from my window this morning.
Amy: You know, his best friend, Ellie, is totally mint!

by Ellie Cat March 1, 2010

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slang word for adjustable car suspension

just lowered the justys on my evo bro

by howdie7 February 19, 2010

2๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

Dusty Justy

The act of "holding" ones business too long because the bathroom is occupied, and in result crapping your pants.

-Where's our accountant?
-Oh, She had to leave early, she had a Dusty Justy!

by mustacheio June 9, 2009

Justis Daly

A guy who will leave his friends behind and snake everyone he comes across. He will act loyal for a shot period of time but eventually leave you and your friends stranded.

"Your Justis Daly"
"Don't be a Justis Daly"
"Alright Justis"

by Realonecrip November 16, 2018

justy wench

sassy bitch / pissy chick / lusty ho / stubborn cunt / etc.; sans vulgarity i.e. gosh darn = god damn

"i can't curse because i have a bible stuck up my a-- but that chick by the pool table is a justy wench... i think i'm in love."

by urban fart February 23, 2010

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