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A woman who has been through it and come out on top. A woman who does so much for others that she forgets to do for herself at times. The woman I wake up next to and the woman who makes sure that my every need is met. Kathleen the mother of my children, the light of my life, the only woman who has my heart.

friend 1- Dude are you happy?

Dude- Hell yeah, I have my Kathleen.

by herhusband June 17, 2009

971πŸ‘ 458πŸ‘Ž


An absolute goddess with a massive butt and lovely boobs usually brown haired and small

Person 1: woah that girl is hot who is she

Person 2: oh yeah that's Kathleen

by Yes laaad March 2, 2023


A Kathleen is always really nice, she'll put others before herself. She'll get out of her way to make others happy. She's always smart and artistic. She'll try her best to understand you. She will be a nerd sometimes or all the times but you can trust o her for help. She's very forgiving and trustworthy but blames herself to much. Her smile lights up the world even when she think it's ugly. She's a very fun comedian and a good friend.

Wow she's smart, what's her name again?
Her name's Kathleen.

by averyrandomacccount2.0 October 22, 2022


She is blonde, tall, long-legged and itty bitty. She is beautiful. She is a great friend, and is admired by guys though she doesn't believe it. She laughs like crazy. She is always happy but when she's not its easy to tell. She doesn't want people to worry about her, she keeps to herself. She has a few close friends, and she is a very day-dreamy person. Kathleen is not a realistic, she lives in her own dream world. All of her friends love her to death, and she loves them back. Kathleen is someone you want to have and if you have her you would be smart not to let her go.

Person: Kathleen whats wrong.
Kathleen: Nothing I swear!!

by hardy har June 3, 2009

712πŸ‘ 387πŸ‘Ž


An awesome mom with a "steaming" personality.

We love you,

Byron, Ashleigh, & Skylar

Teenager1: Man, my mom's so lame. How about your mom?
Skylar: Nah, my mom's amazing. She's a real Kathleen.

by Werfamilydundundun. November 15, 2009

319πŸ‘ 185πŸ‘Ž


The most amazing girl ever! My little red head cutie! Shes kinda a lil tough. She says bad like bed like a kiwi. She has gorgeous eyes, the most unbelievable smile.. Says goooood like that. Her laugh is contagious, its cute and funny!
I'd keep her forever!

She smiled and looked into my eyes. She was Kathleen. Perfect!

by TravviiKatsMan February 22, 2010

66πŸ‘ 38πŸ‘Ž


Kathleen is a very special girl, Kathleen is the most beautiful, most kind, most intelligent and perfect girl in the entire world. Her face shines so bright everywhere she goes that you will think you just experienced Nuclear Fission. Anytime you hear her speak, she will always make your day 100x better. Kathleen will fill your whole day with joy and happiness and make you fall in love with her. Kathleen has the most beautiful hair and smile. Her smile is very contagious and when she smiles, everybody around her smiles, too. Kathleen also gives the best hugs and she will never refuse a hug no matter the person. Having a bad day? Kathleen is there to give you a hug. Kathleen is very optimistic and kind, which makes for a great combination. If you ever find a Kathleen, hold her tight and never let her go.

I can’t believe I found a Kathleen. I’m so in love with Kathleen.

by Farm-boy_7130 February 14, 2023