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Pulling A "Kaufman"

when one becomes so enraged, anger is pumping through his/her veins because of conspiracies and/or friends and random people are believed to flail through his belongings and purposely pocketing the belongings of said "Kaufman". Although... this "Kaufman" person is NOT a theft UNTIL he knows beyond any suspicion that you have stolen from him first, then he believes it's Fair Game. Pulling a "Kaufman" involves violent threats and false accusations shortly followed by the smashing, burning, cutting, shooting, etc. of HIS OWN belongs! One throw against the wall is not said definition, the belonging HAS TO BE in pieces, on fire, and beyond repair.

Dude, you're flipping out! Oh crap, that was your phone... what the heck? You're pulling a "Kaufman"!

(with fist in the air, asking if anyone wants one - referring to a elementary noggy!)

by SuperKrazy3603 April 7, 2018

Andy Kaufman Syndrome

When one's intention by telling a joke or doing something funny, is to make oneself laugh instead of others.

Bob: Hey didn't I go to highschool with you?

Steve: Hell, yea. I used to let you touch my penis in gym.

Bob: Wait, what?

Melany: That isn't the same Steve, and that isn't funny

Steve: It was to me. I have Andy Kaufman Syndrome

by Hellste Stern Von Allen June 5, 2010

Andy Kaufman Folie

A type of madness or insanity involving the delusional belief that Andy Kaufman lives with or has befriended the sufferer who is usually an oddball or repressed prankster wishing to attain fame or notoriety.

I had diagnosed her with Andy Kaufman Folie moments after she described to me that the entertainer had been living in her downstairs closet since he had disappeared in 1984 after faking his own death.

by Dr Bunnygirl July 22, 2020

18👍 2👎

Andy Kaufman Complex

Doing and/or saying things that may be funny to you, but maybe not anyone else.

"I'm laughing!!! Aren't you?....." Or another example would be the tags for this page....or this example! Andy Kaufman Complex! I've got it, do you?

by See You In Tea January 9, 2012

Kaufman Layer

An extra layer of clothing that you always have on you just in case, but never use, solely as a mental comfort, thus alleviating the feeling of feeling cold

Never leave home without your Kaufman Layer!

by MikeyG73 December 17, 2019


Eating so much you blow your own stomach apart

Dude ate so much he kaufmaned himself

by Theblindmememaster April 19, 2023

Ben Kaufman

Known as the father of school catchphrases having had almost all of them centre around him , and not in a good way

ken boffman , nah nah nah nah ken boffman , e'e'e'e'e'h twat , bono is a twat , hey dave catch my bag , you you what , ben kaufman has a boff , hey lets call him boffman, coffee bean, hair like nuclear power plant , nazi-jew rtc (thanks to harry bowers for the bulk of that)

by Ken Boffman September 11, 2011