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a tern used to describe someone who is both amazingly beautiful and wonderfully talented, also with a personality fit for an a demon. These are however extremely rare, having only come across one in my entire life, and should you happen upon one i strongly advise you to take good care of it and give it lots of love and attention and it will bloom into a beautiful young creature and a credit to you and humanity.In love with Jovani

Kaya loves jovani

by Person thats anonymous January 23, 2018

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Is the lookalike of Angelina Jolie.

Girl one: "O-M-G this girl Kaya looks exactly like Angelina Jolie !"

Girl two: "Yes she doooes!!"

by Mwg2016Fan December 30, 2016

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The best friend that you can have. She is always there for you. She is super pretty and awesome. She understands you und gives advices. Everybody needs a Kaya!

What should I do?? I need a Kaya!

by Emil1103 January 7, 2017


Kaya is the perfect person. She will always be able to make you smile even in your darkest days. She is smart and beautiful and your best friends. She is everything you could ever ask for and you would be lcuky to have a Kaya in your life!

Jessica is just like a Kaya

by Lockinlove June 8, 2018


The only girl you will meet that will care about you like she's your best friend.She is beautiful.and lovable

You act like Kaya.

by Kkmmdd May 29, 2019

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Kaya, the most beautiful girl anyone could ever ask for, dead, alive, friend, or sibling. She would never let anything happen to you and will always be there for you.

Kaya is such a good girl

by Cstall03 October 12, 2019

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Recently I had a Jamaican friend live at my house for 3 months on a work permit. He explained a bunch of Jamaican slang and Kaya is used when talking about cannabis but it is specificly
Cannabis mixed with tobacco, they use Jamaican cigarettes which are much more natural than American cigarettes.

Fill d splif wit kaya an lets get higha

by Legally get high with Temple420 November 17, 2007

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