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is very well hung, has a huge cock and knows how to use it. never disappoints the ladies.

OMG have you guys ever been with a Keegan? the best ever

"how bigs your dick?" "lets just say its a keegan" "=D"

by lynn25 February 3, 2010

412πŸ‘ 290πŸ‘Ž


Keegan is the most awesome kid you could ever know. He is really fast and good at Cross Country. He may seem dumb and act like a retard at times but really, he's smart. He is the best percussionist you could ever know and loves music. He can play the piano, Ukulele, and basically every percussion instrument out there. If your best friend isn't Keegan, then I dont know what universe you live in.

Woah, look at that Keegan Running!

by Grabpa S February 3, 2020

5πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


Ladies, he’s cute and sweet, pretty much a guy you want. But he won’t read your text messages until 10 hours later or even a day. Watch out.

He’s such a Keegan

Why are you a Keegan?

by sofi the meme May 6, 2018

5πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


Keegan is a sweet kindhearted guy that will never fail to brighten your day he is the most caring person you will ever meet he also has the best sense of humour seriously you can barely listen to one sentence without laughing I love keegan he is an amazing who is also fullumptious love you your fucking great he is also someone who will hide there true intelligence and feelings leeving the girl who has a crush on him a little bit confused

Keegan is fiiine

Keegan is amazing

by Jarod_b3 July 18, 2019

5πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


To steal someones joke by repeating it louder.

Man: "Hey keegan, she looks like a slice of bread."
Keegan: (stands up and speaks louder so that the whole room can hear him) "she looks like a slice of bread."

Everybody then laughs and praises keegan for being so funny.

by B.ped March 28, 2016

14πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž


Keegan, a beautiful, intelligent girl / woman who has to have their way. They are slightly awkward around people but are meant to stand out. If she likes you she will most likely not make the first move. Usually quite tone and skinny. If you get one, you’re lucky!!

Ethan: Yo I just got a Keegan!!
Josh: luckyyyy

by Frankie Giles April 25, 2018

9πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž


Male and Female name. Usually tall and blonde. Very pretty smile. She or he is super silly and has very few "buddies." Super secretive and sensitive. If its a she, she really is a special one. If you ever find a Keegan... Keep them. Especially I it a her 😊

"Omg she's so pretty and super tall! Her hair is a to kill for blonde..i'm so Jelly!!!"
" Must be Keegan!"

by Dkjshsjsijdjeiwoa November 25, 2017

10πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž