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an e-boy

keelan looks like such a prettyboy

by Hola taco mami May 27, 2019


a hockey player that HAD(NO LONGER =-( long hair who likes to be annoying. Also plays lacrosse.

favorite hockey team is the capitals. ._/

also likes to froggy hop a lot at random times.

wow Keelan, if you jump so high like all the way to china then fall I'm gonna laugh =-)

by yo momma at the grocery store November 30, 2013

28πŸ‘ 21πŸ‘Ž


verb, any sick and brutal slaughter or consumption of puppies, kittens and/or cute baby animals.

noun, a demented irish man that probobly wants to cause you mental or physical pain.

verb: those crazy hoboes snuck int o the zoo and keelaned all the cute animals.

noun: oh my god dude, that sketchy guy over there with the potatoes and the pot of gold is a keelan...he was on the news last week.

by mr. polycronopolus September 27, 2007

96πŸ‘ 139πŸ‘Ž


a handsome man who has the most girls in secondary school

Girl 1: have you seen Keelan before? he looks good

Myra: yes in fact i’ve dreamt about him last night
girl 2: hey he was in my dream not yours

by bruveu June 11, 2022


irish man of 4 feet or less in height who tries to teach

that man is such a keelan

by feeblehunter January 30, 2008

51πŸ‘ 100πŸ‘Ž

Keelan Fowler

A fat podgy kid who probably is screaming at you when you kill him on any game whilst chamming down his 3rd breakfast of the day. He loves cock but won’t admit to it and has a fetish for pigs. Also is very stupid and is impossible to win an argument with because of his lack of intelligence and chromosomes.

P1 - Bro that kid is so scabby, how did he even kill me

P2 - Don’t even shake it bro he’s probably just a Keelan Fowler

P1 - Yeah your right he probably is

by Jesus Ma Nibbas January 19, 2019


Larger than average. Most typically applied to a Jack & Coke at the pub.

Greetings barkeep. I shall have a Jack & Coke...and Keelan-size that.

by abitbiz.com May 13, 2004

31πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž