Source Code

Kill Bill

What Hilary Clinto wabts to do to her husband

Hilary: He screwed too many women and left me like a whore. No I'm gonna Kill Bill

by Boaz February 25, 2005

25๐Ÿ‘ 25๐Ÿ‘Ž

kill bill

the most awesome movie and it make Uma Thurman look hot

I jerked off to kill bill because Uma Thurman was so hot.

by pseudonym dude April 20, 2004

26๐Ÿ‘ 30๐Ÿ‘Ž

kill bill

kick ass movie that is enjoyed by many who love the samurai sword, action, blood, and asian themes. Some great fighting scenes, and scenes in general.

"I saw kill bill last night....blood doesn't really do that."

by mp066712 May 22, 2005

22๐Ÿ‘ 23๐Ÿ‘Ž

Kill Bill

A kickass movie starring Uma Thurman as The Bride. The movie consists of The Bride coming back from a coma. The Bride is bent on revenge on the Deadly Viper Assasination Squad. Great piece of work by QT.

The Bride learned kenjitsu and iaijitsu skills to take on The Deadly Viper Assasination Squad

by Bisinski, no im not russian nor a communist bastard July 5, 2004

17๐Ÿ‘ 23๐Ÿ‘Ž

kill bill

A movie made soley for the wapanese, and responsible for the criminal overhyping of the katana.

But still a damn good movie. Uma Thurman kills people. Lots of people.

"I watched Kill Bill, and I ALMOST started to like katanas. Almost."

by Alexander Girard January 7, 2007

23๐Ÿ‘ 38๐Ÿ‘Ž

kill bill

really good majuana (pot)

We got some Kill Bill and looking to smoke it with someone

by Lucyyfur April 8, 2005

14๐Ÿ‘ 23๐Ÿ‘Ž

kill bill

A strong type of marijuana that is said to be stronger than droll.

Yo bitch listen up, I got us some sick kill bill from mr. martinez over there.

by fracziiiiii February 11, 2008

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