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When a man has sexual intercourse with a woman and she cums on his cock, and immediately after the female orgasm, the man removes his penis from the girls vagina then shoves it inside the girls mouth and busts his nut down her unprepared throat.

Dude, I just Krieger-Cobled this girl last night and it was a game changer!

by VanillaTrice September 27, 2017

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cole krieger

Cole Krieger is a god of man, legend goes Cole Krieger was summoned to earth to reproduce with as many women possible, those who reproduce with him and granted eternal life

I reproduced with Cole Krieger

by Stevenson99 January 25, 2023

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Morgan Krieger

An AMAZING WONDERFUL blue eyed girl that is the best person ever!! She will light up your day no matter what mood she is in and even when she feels like crying she stays strong! She is the strongest girl I know and the only girl I know that is the sweetest girl ever but can defiantly fight and never backs down. She is smart and is the best athlete she pushes until she succeeds! She lights up my world even when she cant light up her own! I love her!! <3

amazing beautiful smart athletic Morgan Krieger

by Shut your mouth! :o November 19, 2010

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Krieger Arsch

Imagine this tall, lanky guy, he's the most unfriendly person and a real prick at first. He's the guy that never holds back anything, his words are so straight they hit you like a fist in your face. If you feel really bad, he's gonna make it worse. But if you really need him, he always turns up and is a real liability. Once he's done with his shit talk and making you feel like the dumbest person in the room, he shows hints of brilliance and surprises you with a caering attitude. Not that he would care because a real Krieger Arsch does not give a damn shit.

If he manages to escape his bubble he's the funniest person to have around. Sometimes he tries to impress you with his incredible bike handling skills but fails in the most comedian way possible. A true peoples champ!

He pretends he doesn't like people. So going out for him is hard because quality time for him is hanging out with his cat & dog. He LOVES animals.

Krieger Arsch is a one of a kind guy, the world could not handle more of his kind.

A person that makes others feel like shit is a Krieger Arsch.

He pretends to give a shit but actually cares.

by Evil_Twin_ November 24, 2021


Someone or something that is really retarted and/or dumb.

Thats krieger asl, that boy is krieger.”

by Fortniteplayer1107773888 June 10, 2024


After sexual intercourse it is the act of placing sperm on your hand and bitch-slapping the female partner.

I just got done with this chick when I remembered i hate her so I kriegered that bitch.

by mike_4 January 14, 2012