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Laughing Inside Quietly

Peter: That girl fell out of the ugly tree and hit every branch on the way down.
John: LIQ

by GPull January 1, 2014

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Liq City

When you and your boys transition to pounding liquor after drinking beers.

Hey boys, I think I'm going to start going to liq city tonight because these beers ain't cutting it.

by GoNoles69 August 7, 2017

Hit Liqs

To rob liquor stores for the money.

When james is low on cash, he will hit liqs for crack money.

by finding.emo December 8, 2004

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Hit a liq

To rob a liquor store.

"Need to come up on some paper so I'm finna hit a liq right quick."

by AgtOrange October 27, 2011

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bust a liq

To steal or to rob. To remove ownership of.

We decided to bust a liq on that nigga Plunter.

by Daniel Madar November 9, 2007

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liq it up

โ€œLiq(uor) it upโ€; The act of getting extremely drunk, typically with a group of friends

โ€œGerald and I are gonna liq it up tonightโ€

by thebigmankyle April 19, 2023

vag and liq

short hand for saying vagina and liquor at the same time.

hey dude lets go to that sick party with all the vag and liq.

by jondawg February 27, 2006

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