Source Code


Background: Portu-english (coined between 1982-2004)
Definition: Light spirited, easily humored

Thhat email cracked me up, I guess I am jsut feeling laughative.

by Jaysin the great floridian on behalf of f.v. April 14, 2004

14๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž


You would laugh when you come across the following:
1. Sum1 who can't type proprly. lol!
2. When you win the lottery for the 67th time.
3. When American Idol is taken off the air because America became less stupid and decided it was a shitty show.

1. lol did u c dat entry 4 laugh on urbandictionary.com?1!!?1?1//? LOLOLOL!1!!
2. I won the lottery again. WTFH? xDDDD
3. It was taken off the air? Oh My God. It's about time. I'll sit back and laugh at how stupid we where for so long.

by Tace June 4, 2005

170๐Ÿ‘ 163๐Ÿ‘Ž


quite scary to hear and usually sounds like a cat choking on a tyre.

scares the shit out of animals.
no wonder ET fucked off.

by Biafra J October 28, 2004

70๐Ÿ‘ 70๐Ÿ‘Ž


Laugh-In (1968-1973) is a comedy-variety show that was extremely popular in the late sixties and early seventies. It was on NBC, and it was filmed in beautiful downtown Burbank. The hosts were Dan Rowan and Dick Martin, the announcer was Gary Owens, and among the regulars were Goldie Hawn, Ruth Buzzi, Alan Sues, Arte Johnson, and Lily Tomlin. The show was predominantly anti-Vietnam War, and it included a bunch of sexual gags and drug-related jokes. Some famous phrases came, such as "You bet your sweet bippy," "Here comes the Judge," and "Sock it to me." There were women with jokes painted on their bodies, men wearing raincoats and riding on trikes, a German soldier, and a bunch of celebrity guests.

Hardcore Bubbles (from the Powerpuff Girls): Laugh-In so whooped Monty Python's ass!

A-Bomb: Monty Python whooped Laugh-In's ass!

by Big Sexy April 7, 2004

13๐Ÿ‘ 9๐Ÿ‘Ž


The humor/way a person acts while being stoned.

"(while laughing) Aye bro, you got laughs!"

by muhp March 2, 2008

17๐Ÿ‘ 15๐Ÿ‘Ž


when your smile has an orgasm

i couldn't stop laughing when he shit his pants

by kerburkiya July 11, 2008

80๐Ÿ‘ 106๐Ÿ‘Ž

Laugh, Laugh

I hate to say it, but I told you so

Don't mind my preachin' to you
I said, don't trust 'em, baby, now you know
You don't learn every thing there is to know in school
Wouldn't believe me when I gave advice

I said that he was a tease
If you want help you better ask me now
So be sincere, convince me with a pretty please

Laugh, laugh, I thought I'd die
It seemed so funny to me
Laugh, laugh you met a guy
Who taught you how it feels to be
Oh-so lonely

Don't think I'm being funny when I say

You got just what you deserve
I can't help feeling you found out today
You thought you were too good, you got a lot of nerve
Won't say I'm sorry for the things I said

I'm glad he packed up to go
You kept on bragging he was yours instead
Found you don't know every thing there is to know

Laugh, laugh, I thought I'd die
It seemed so funny to me
Laugh, laugh you met a guy
Who taught you how it feels to be
Oh-so lonely

Before I go, I got to say one thing
Don't close your ears to me
Take my advice and you'll find out that being
Just another girl won't cause you misery
Don't say you can't get any boy to call

Don't be so smug or else
You'll find you can't get any boy at all
You'll wind up an old lady sitting on the shelf

Laugh, laugh, I thought I'd die
It seemed so funny to me
Laugh, laugh you met a guy
Who taught you how it feels to be
Oh-so lonely

by Death Menace May 23, 2023

1๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž