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noone: ...
Lea: yeet

by loeaaa April 18, 2020

15πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


an adorable german girl. She's kind of quiet sometimes, but loud when she has her moments. She's nice to everyone which is why everyone loves her. All the boys want her because she's so cute and cuddly! She's one of the most amazing girls you will ever meet. And her best friends are Natalie and Arabella, two other beautiful german girls. She is always there for you when you need her most but sometimes she needs a friend as well. So give her a hug if she seems sad! it's worth it because if she's happy she brightens up the world with her gorgeous smile. She looks like a little Angel with her blond, curly hair. A Lea is just nice to have around and you can have heaps of fun with her. If you don't know a Lea by now, you should take the time to get to know one. You won't regret it.

A: Do you know the song "Angels" by Robbie Williams?
B: yeah, but I think the original idea for the song was Lea.
A: yes, so true.

A: I just met this amazing girl but i don't know her name!
B: Lea?
A: Hell yes! she was so beautiful, that must have been a Lea!

by Muhuhuhuhuahaha April 30, 2012

227πŸ‘ 87πŸ‘Ž


Beautiful isn't a strong enough word to describe a Lea. A literal queen, comparable to the likes of Nefertiti. One of the purest souls you will ever find in the galaxy. Great company to keep and a huge loss if you slip.

Queen Lea

by SG Jac January 30, 2020

19πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž


A fucking hot cheeto girl

Damn lea ALWAYS has those hot cheetos on her

by School boi May 18, 2022


An awesome and loving girl. She is very confident about herself and her body. She is a true friend and a trustworthy person. You can talk with her about everything knowing she will you give her real opinion and thoughts. She is very beautiful and unbeatable in bed. You feel save around her. If you need a hug she will be there. If you've got a Lea you are a very lucky person. Keep on to her.

You've got a Lea? You are lucky!

by Noturgirlfriend November 21, 2021


Lea is a girl with brown hair.

Wow lea has brown hair.

by LÜMMEL July 26, 2018

16πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž


Lea is caring, conscientious and considerate. Lea is really good at Italian and Spanish. Lea is one of the sweetest, funniest and kindest people I know. I am so very lucky to have a Lea in my life and if you ever meet a Lea, you are gonna want to hang on to her because you will need her. Lea has a personality like no other and nobody could ever replace her. Lea treats every single person with kindness and respect. Lea is an amazing person and an awesome friend. Lea is always truthful and honest and she has a compassionate soul. Lea is inspiring and a great leader and I am very grateful that I have a Lea in my life.

Wow, She's such a Lea!

by anonymous1127@jobsforlife April 22, 2020

13πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž