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Libby is very generous, she is down to share pistacios. She is so amazing! She is very pretty and her smile is the best part. She will always be awkward when you give her a compliment, though she gives the best compliments. She is very funny and makes you laugh always!! She makes very funny faces. She is very kind and makes you feel very welcomed.

Libby, libby, libby, damn she got that ribby

by goofy._.goober101 May 30, 2019

7๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž


OBSESSED with food! Very shy at first but once she gets to know you shes the funniest person youโ€™ll ever meet. She can become violent or aggressive if you open her umbrella she is very clumsy. Libby loves animals. Everyone finds her extremely weird and some may say annoying. She takes time with everything especially eating and walking. Libby is the kind of person who will be there and besides you no matter what and will become your best friend instantly. Everybody loves libby!!

*mum walks in*
Mum: who's ate all the pies
Everyone: it was libby!

by Koolkidkkkk November 6, 2019

6๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž


To act as the scapegoat or fallguy for the misdeeds of others.

Named after Bush administration lackey Lewis "Scooter" Libby who took the blame for the treasonous 2003 outing of CIA agent Valerie Plame in a high-level effort to discredit Plame's husband Joseph Wilson after Wilson investigated Bush adminstraiton claims that Iraq was puchasing uranium from Niger. Vice President Dick Cheney, White House political operative Karl Rove, and likely George W. Bush himself approved of this treasonous attempt at intimidation.

As of December 2007, only Libby has spent any jail time in connection with Plame's outing. Libby's sentence was communted by Pretzeldent George W. Bush commuted Libby's sentence in July 2007.

Jasper, I know you didn't screw up the database, but if you'll Libby for me, I'll buy you lunch.

by Hugh Johnson December 7, 2007

859๐Ÿ‘ 557๐Ÿ‘Ž


An amazingly stunning person, who is also amazingly gorgeous and amazing at fucking.. causes much pleasure (in many ways including sexually) she is sexy and loved by everyone.......she's great at everything and i love her

Libby is amazing.

by LibbyFanClub November 18, 2010

520๐Ÿ‘ 369๐Ÿ‘Ž


Libby is a girl who loves dick, sucking dick and taking dick. Get you a libby

Yo that Libby girl gives crazy head bruh

by KindomOfKocks March 21, 2018

23๐Ÿ‘ 11๐Ÿ‘Ž


Often in to dark stuff , Very pretty and is very siencey she loves dresses and stuff but as she grows she gets a stubborn attitude towards family and some friends . You would be lucky to have a friend or lover like libby.

Libby โค

by DEAL _WITH _IT July 11, 2015

40๐Ÿ‘ 23๐Ÿ‘Ž


Libby is the most beautiful girl you will ever know and she likes to draw on her walls at home and she has a dad who seems intimidating but hes really a good guy and Libby will always be there for you and she loves to make jokes about things she will seem kinda mad in the mornings but by the start of the day she is a great person to be around you will love her so much if you get to date a Libby your a lucky person because Libby is an amazing person with a great personality and you will always want to hangout with Libby and you will never feel unloved when dating Libby she is just amazing as a person you would want to die for libby.

Libby is so beautiful.

by HUNTER RIVERA November 5, 2019

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