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Linguistic Questions

Linguistic Questions are those about key vocabulary, sentence structure and relations between ideas.

Emad is a very intelligent linguist . He scored both his Linguistic questions and Content questions 100 out of 100.

by Mozhgan Hudiburgh November 4, 2019

cunning linguist

Juxtaposition of letters creating words indicating either a clever talker or a sexual act that is, perhaps, preceded by that very same clever banter. Most women, I think, probably prefer a "cunning linguist" in more ways than one.

BTW, my old softball team, Cypress, California, was named the cunning linguists, and we "licked" most of our competition.

Robert spoke so many languages, had a such a gift with words, and was so handsome that women would practically throw themselves on the hood of his 740i after each game. He was a prime example of a cunning linguist.

Julian McMahon played the part of a cunning linguist on the TV show "Nip/Tuck".

by s6 March 4, 2006

328πŸ‘ 72πŸ‘Ž

cunning linguist

1)Somebody who advocates licking the pussy.
2)A glib talker who gets into women's pants.
3)Foreplay talk.
4)My old softball team in Cypress, CA, the Cunning Linguists.

Robert was a cunning linguist with a big bat.

by s6 June 29, 2005

316πŸ‘ 82πŸ‘Ž

cunning linguist

A clever reference to the word cunnilingus that implys a man who is quick with the tongue. (P.S. click on this highlighted word cunnilingus go get the joke.)

Man, your husband sure is a cunning linguist!

by Sooper Nigger July 14, 2005

452πŸ‘ 125πŸ‘Ž

cunning linguist

(1) A person who is a clever speaker and/or writer and/or singer.

(2) Slang for pussy eater as it sounds like "cunnilingus".

If you can become a master of BOTH definitions of cunning linguist, women will throw themselves at you in order to sit on your face, and will gladly return the favor with some great oral and/or pole riding.

by Peter Eaton July 15, 2006

418πŸ‘ 122πŸ‘Ž


(Noun) cunning-linguist: an insult pun for word-jugglers & propagators of disparaging speech

Christopher Dane is a cunning-linguistic who doesn’t trust my intentions concerning Nuestra SeΓ±ora de la Santa Muerte.

by MinistryOfDEW July 5, 2021

Linguistic Upcycling

Using an AI chat bot like ChatGPT to rewrite what you want to say so you sound smarter.

Thanks to Linguistic Upcycling, every time I ask a question in a meeting, I sound really smart.

by OutsideTrading March 6, 2023