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ninja loan

An acronym for a loan given to a person designated as "No income, no job or assets;" hence - N-I-N-J-A.

The bank's ninja loans have ruined its credit rating. Now, no other bank will lend it money.

by Joe Rodolico September 11, 2007

189πŸ‘ 31πŸ‘Ž

Student loans

The practice of giving depressed teenagers tens of thousands or more in debt with no financial experience or context

Johnny has $100,000 in student loans for an art degree, and he works at McDonalds!

by Justclowntingz May 14, 2020

19πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

gnome loan

(Noun) (Runescape) A ridiculously-high-interest loan that's quickly becomes impossible to pay off, with the goal of forcing indebted servitude toward the lender.

I accidentally took out a gnome loan 14 seconds ago and now I owe them 4x the entire Runescape Economy!

by Dr Bad March 12, 2018

Student loan

You cant afford to go to college? Well then student loans are the answer! doit! Everything will be fine! It's not like you will have you will wish you were dead because of how badly in debt you are. I'm not a pussy like you and I have the debt to prove it!!!

Tod: why dont you take out a student loan?
Jeff:if i wanted to be fucked in the ass I would by a dildo Tod.

by Stfuiknowshit January 24, 2019

59πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž

Payday Loan

A payday loan is when you get an advance on your paycheck and pay it back with interest on payday. Generally this interest is 15%. Payday loans are set up to automatically pay themselves back because you post-date a check when you get the loan. If you get to the point where you are getting payday loans from other places to pay back the first payday loan, you are fucked. Payday loans should be avoided at all costs, as they fuck you in the long run. Many states have laws against certain payday loan practices.

Dude 1: Dude, come to the concert with us, it's payday!

Dude 2: Dude, I can't, I have to pay back these payday loans.

Dude 1: Dude, just get another one.

Dude 2: Oh yeah! Then I'll have money until next payday!

by Kapow! June 13, 2008

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loan shark

Term for a person, usually a member of organized crime, offering loans without background checks, collateral, etc. etc., but charges insane interest ($100s, even $1000s per day in some cases), and has henchmen who will hurt or even kill those who do not repay the loan within a certain time (usually a week or so).

John got beat to shit by Loan Shark Tino Capellini's henchmen for not paying on time. If John doesn't pay Tino back by next week, they will kill him.

by Dispatch Kick Ass July 16, 2004

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Meat loan

a β€œmeat loan” is when some one is sexually aggravated so a friend loans some dick to settle their needs thus the term β€œmeat loan”

I know you’ve haven’t had any in a while so I’ll give you a β€œmeat loan”

by Bandst November 20, 2019