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Lolas are very kind, and lovable people. They are so nice and are always there for you when your sad and they are the funnest people to be around. But when you annoy a Lola you messed up BIG time, like for say if you threw a book at them or had an arguement with their best friend or if you done something bad in general, it will be slightly a hard time apologising but soon after a few days they will be back to normal! Lolas are the cutest girls you will probably ever meet in the world and they are the sweetest.

I want to know facts about this girl named lola

by HackyTacky2001 December 23, 2021

2๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž


Lola is sure a stunning girl, beautiful eyes, Brown hair and an good sense of fashion. She is always bubbly, excited and funny. After spending time with her she will loosen up more and you'll see all her best colours.She loves music and art, she has a natural flair for drama too. She's a wonderful friend and usually sticks with her inner circle because they mean the world to her. Here family are the biggest part of her heart and she is close and alike to all of them. Falling in love with a lola is a whole new subject, she will make you feel like you mean the world to her. She will treat you like your her prize possession. But once you're in love with her you can't go back to not loving her. You won't initially realise if she doesn't love you anymore as a Lola doesn't like to share her feelings. Eventually she will take you for granted and not care about your feelings whatsoever, then cut you off completely. She will absolutely obliterate your heart and not look back. It's usually hard to tell if a Lola is shy or confident. Don't think you know her because you probably dont.and always be aware of how she is acting and feeling or you will feel like you don't know her at all.

Once I fell in love with a girl called lola, she tore me to pieces, skin and bone. But I can't seem to get over her. ๐Ÿ’”xo

by Heartbreakloverxo August 28, 2018

28๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž


For no aparent reason she says potato alot...

But in the most dumbass times to say it.

lola: "potato"
Me : * just got hit by a truck barely holding on to dear life* "CALL A FUCKEN AMBULANCE "

by Aguywhogothitbyatruck September 8, 2019

10๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž


Lola is a female name of spanish origin, meaning "strong woman." Lola is a lovely name, but carries with it the unfortunate nickname "Lolita."

My can is named Lola.

by lynx wings April 24, 2005

825๐Ÿ‘ 443๐Ÿ‘Ž


An exceptionally attractive foreign female.

Damn, look at that Lola, homie. She fine.

by Jack June 17, 2003

584๐Ÿ‘ 313๐Ÿ‘Ž


if your called lola, your one of the coolest peope alive. tends to dress like a hipster, mashed up hair, mutlicoloured nails.

"Whats your name lav'?"
"My names Lola"
"Ooh, your pretty darn cool" ;)

by omgshawesome! March 23, 2010

481๐Ÿ‘ 268๐Ÿ‘Ž


Is a beautiful woman with hazel eyes and a great body. Is very athletic and confident. Has a great personality and has a great sense of humor.

Wow Lola is so cool!

by Emmastillman January 29, 2018

10๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž