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Donald Trump loyalists

MAGAts will defend their hero Trump regardless of the damage it does to American democracy .

by Semolina Pilchard February 19, 2018

3894👍 8395👎


Delusional Trump supporters

Look at those MAGAts cry & whine because they can’t except reality

by RealityOverFantasy2020 November 7, 2020

6041👍 8128👎


MAGAts: Menacing Autocratic Megalomanical Authoritarian Trump Sycophants

"On 6 January 2021, MAGAts paid a 'normal tourist visit' to the Capitol Building of the United States of America - and democracy and the Republic would never be the same."

by LowCountry July 21, 2024

1👍 118👎


To shove your foot up your partners ass so your 4th tow exits through the penis or vajina

Hey colton wanna magat

by BRONKASARUS March 7, 2023