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Malcom is a man who is so good with women that he can't touch any without them dying of an intensive orgasm.

Commonly very good at having an erect penis, swooning women and hackeysack.

Is that Malcom? I hope he doesn't touch me or I'll die of a crazy awesome orgasm. I saw him playing hackey-sack and he's very good at it.

by WackaWacka September 17, 2013

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Malcom XFast

Actually Malcom X's daily liquid breakfast: coffee and orange juice.

I'm tryna shit this morning so I'm having a Malcom Xfast

by DiddlerOnTheLoose December 3, 2009

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Malcom worship

To flare your arms up and bend your elbow in and out several hundred times

I saw 2 fuckin weirdos worshipping malcom.It means to flare you arms and bend your elbow in and out several times.Thanks for the idea sarah,caden,and any other malcom worshipers

by Ineedfishbadly May 23, 2019

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malcom and mary

Doing some extacy and then smokin a joint after

Hey try some of this malcom x....yo have you heard of malcom and mary

by Martin Chavarin July 17, 2008

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malcom boag

plays bass like a freak

plays bass bad like a freak

by eat me May 9, 2005

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Malcom Moses

One who excels in preppy english and white history.
One who is also rejected by the black community cuz dat shit cray.

"Hey man, you heard that dude giving a briefing infront of a group? He sounded like a "Malcom Moses"

by cucuyo34 March 8, 2012

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malcom richardson

Someone that turns you on even though you have a boyfriend. Fuckin smart. Has a maroon and white hankee.

Becky to Amanda: Oh my god check out that hot guy!
Amanda to becky: You little slut, you already have a boyfriend.
Becky to Amanda: Yea but he is soo malcom richardson.

by Cassie Thompson February 18, 2005

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