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Marley is very pretty, and she is nice most of the time, however sometimes she is mean. But don't take it personally, she doesn't really hold grudges so the next day she will most likely be fine. She has a lot of friends and is very protective over them, she will fight your ass if you talk shit about them.

"Bro she is such a Marley"

by You're new step dad February 16, 2023


You might think his name is a girl name but apparently not. The most annoying person you’ll ever meet who sucks at Fortnite but thinks he’s the best in his school and he thinks he’s so cool when he is the most competitive person and always wants to win no matter what and he’ll eat all the food in your pantry so watch out. Also he’s thicc

Bob “who’s that thicc thing?”
Jeff “that’s Marley”

by xxd thiccboi August 4, 2019

4👍 2👎


Protective of her friends and doesn’t really know anything bad about high school and likes to say cool beans while listening to 50s to 90s music

Your such a Marley

by Tribute December 3, 2018

7👍 4👎


The fattest joint known to man. Just as Bob Marley smoked.

Damn, we put an eighth into that marley. I sure am baked.

by Stu Pididiot June 9, 2005

300👍 302👎


A girl or guy that everyone likes thinks is so hot and always wants to fuck. A Marley is always sweet, kind and the best most funny person you’ll ever meet. Marleys will one day become famous.

Look! Over there! It’s a Marley! She is so hot!

by Joey37248 November 10, 2017

7👍 2👎


A basic guy that goes for basic women and is so salty. He sweats video games all day and wanks.

John-have u heard?
Wiktor-No what happened?
John-Marley got together with Gracie another basic bitch

by David Wallis August 12, 2020

8👍 6👎


Marley is a transsexual name, but is mainly used for girls. Girls named Marley are usually talented,kind,and responsible . They are great people, but may need push in the right direction here or there. Marley is very good at many including kissing. Most people wish they could be Marley. Boys named Marley are usually great at sports,cool,and are destined for greatness. They are kind people who are chick magnets.They very good at sexual intercourse both boy and girl.

I wish I was just like Marley

by Bigfoot911 July 12, 2017

12👍 9👎