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Marques Houston

A fine r&b singer who is 24 and was born on August 4, 1981. He sings "Naked" which is the only song to retire so far on BET.

Marques Houston is my type of man.

by marques' #1 wifey March 21, 2006

73👍 31👎

Marques Green

an amazing basketball player and athlete. He's only about 5 foot 3 but he can ball with the best of em and has mad range. He played at St. Bonaventure but didnt make the NBA. Hes now playin in France and is one of the top prospects. This dude's got game.

"Yo, did you see Marques Green twickin them 3's last night?"
"Yeah had like 20 or 30!"

by 3pointballer October 28, 2004

32👍 12👎

cindy marques

shes a bad bitch full of clout dont mess w her ;)

i forgot i was cindy marques bitch.

by Only said facts October 13, 2019

marques booth

Nickname Quezoo Only11🤤Gets Lots Of Girls

Marques booth football is life

by William Lowery March 13, 2017

letter of anal marque

permission to be a butt pirate.

a letter of marque is granted by the government and basically allows people to be pirates. a letter of anal marque is granted by ones pastor and allows them to bang men.

obama got a letter of anal marque so he divorced michelle

by lil kid fucker November 9, 2018

La Marque High School

La Marque High School is the worst high school in southern Texas located in the deplorable city of La Marque or “Da L” . They are illiterate, broke and nasty. The La Marque Cougars can’t win a game to save their lives because they can’t pass a 3rd grade test to keep their school district alive. La Marque constantly attempts to compete with Ball High one of the best schools, to no avail. La Marque is known for having rodents falling from the ceiling an abundance of roaches, and not to mention the black mold that got them condemned in 2011. A whopping 67 percent of their student have contracted an std and some point in their lives last year lanarque only saw 11 senior graduates and only 2 when to an actual college

Student :Aye cuz I go to da La Marque high School cuz we da livst Eva ya herd

by BHSTUFFY November 4, 2018

6👍 3👎

marque troll

A trolling comment that is creative, thought provoking, or just downright annoying. Generally unexpected and unwelcome.

I can’t believe that you just marque trolled him.

by Not-marquee March 14, 2020