Source Code


1) n: Merry, born Meriadoc Brandybuck, of the Nine Walkers, also known as the Fellowship of the Ring. He was a hobbit, race Harfoot with a little bit of Fallowhide, and cousin to both Pippin(Peregrin Took)and Frodo Baggins, the Ringbearer. He and Pippin were separated from the Fellowship at Amon Hen, being captured by orcs. They were pursued by Aragorn, Legolas, and Gimli, who had heard of their capture from the dying Boromir. However, before they can catch up to the captured hobbits, Merry and Pippin escape to Fangorn Forest and meet the Ents. The Ents, with the two hobbits in tow, attack and destroy Isengard. Aragorn, Legolas, Gimli, and Gandalf the White catch up to them there, where Pippin touches a palantir and is whisked away to Minas Tirith by Gandalf. Merry remains and becomes good friends with Theoden, the King of Rohan. Soon the Rohirrim are called to Gondor's aid, and although Merry is ordered to remain behind, he and the King's niece Eowyn follow the army secretly. At Pellenor Fields, Merry wounds the Witchking, giving Eowyn the chance to slay him, then says goodbye to the dying Theoden. Badly wounded himself, he makes his way into Minas Tirith, where Pippin finds him and takes him to the House of Healing, where Aragorn heals him.
After the war, he and Pippin play an important part in the liberation of the Shire from Sarumon. Merry gains the title of Meriadoc the Magnificant and becomes head of the Brandybucks. He marrys Estella Bolger. Long years later, when he is much older, he recieves an invitation to return to Rohan to visit the old and dying King Eomer. He and Pippin leave the Shire and are never seen there again. They visit Eomer and are with him when he dies, then they go to Minas Tirith and lived there for the little time left they had to live. Merry's body is brought back to Rohan, of which he was made a soldier, and is kept there until King Elessar (Aragorn) dies. Then he and Pippin are laid on either side of the King.
2) To be very happy.

1) Merry Brandybuck joined the Fellowship with his cousins Frodo and Pippin and his friend Samwise.
2) Claire was a merry person.

by anonamous May 16, 2005

37๐Ÿ‘ 20๐Ÿ‘Ž


A girl, usually between the age of 13 and 14 years, who has two best friends. She has pretty, blonde, short hair and blue or green eyes. She's cute, funny, but easily angered! And when she's mad, watch out...

So, Merrie, weren't you supposed to be here an hour ago?
Merrie: What is THAT supposed to mean?!!?
I just thought you were late...
Merrie: YEAH, SO? Why does it matter? It's none of your business, GOD.

by Sakixt January 23, 2011

16๐Ÿ‘ 10๐Ÿ‘Ž


merris (verb)

1. The act of unintentionally inhaling a liquid refreshment through one's nasal passages via the back of the throat, resulting in the ejection of said liquid, out of any of the facial orifices. Occurs most frequently when sudden laughter is induced by a hilarious unexpected comment or perfectly timed meme.

2. To casually ask for a bite of a dining companion's entree before they have a chance to begin eating. Most usually occurs as wait staff is en route with food, but before entree is placed onto table.

1. Reading our bumble dialogue aloud to each other at dinner made me laugh so hard that I merris'd half of my aperol spritz out of my nose.

2. Merris-er: "Can I get a bite of that?" Dining Companion: "Fuck no, I haven't even tried it yet."

by Meggattron May 7, 2020


a goofball girl who going out wit dan and is a very emotinal drinker

man merrys crying yeah dude its cause he drunk

by stor April 15, 2005

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Merry Jebediah

The act of having unprotected sexual intercourse with an Amish female in the back of a buggy. If done correctly, the male receives a hand-crafted headboard and barn-raising party from the female's father following a successful Merry Jebediah.

"Brother, after volleyball at the Yoder's, I totally pulled off of 283 and Merry Jebediah'd Sarah on the way to the stables.

by Billy_Budd March 26, 2022

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merry meet

A greeting used by witches, pagans, and Wiccans in speech and in writing. It stands for the words of a chant, "merry meet and merry part and merry meet again," commonly used at the end of ceremonies. "Merry meet" can also used as a closing or goodbye, but blessed be is the more common way to sign a letter or say goodbye.

Merry meet, friend! It's good to see you!

by pwitch March 11, 2016

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merry pranksters

Merry Pranksters were the shit! They tripped on acid all day long, smoked weed, did riddies, and speed. They drove around in a sweet bus that said "furthur" on the front. They were the trippiest, kewlest, most intellectual mother fuckers you could ever imagine meeting. They are inspiring and full of life...really full of life. The real life, not the life people assume is real.

"That baby sees the world with a completeness that you and I will never know again. His doors of perception have not yet been closed. He still experiences the moment he lives in. The inevitable bullshit hasn't constipated his cerebral cortex yet. He still sees the world as it really is, while we sit here, left with only a dim historical version of its manufactured for us by words and official bullshit, and so on and so forth."

~That is a quote from one of the Merry Pranksters.

by Feeling the Moment November 8, 2007

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