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Hebrew meaning "like God"

Beautiful and smart. Mysterious and hypnotizing. The kind of girl you can depend on. Sweet and funny yet takes no crap from no one. Amazing in bed and wonderful kisser. Lucky to meet her acquaintance.

Male 1: I don't know what it is about her, I think I'm in love.

Male 2: She must be a Michelle.

by Heybeautiful57 December 20, 2016

36πŸ‘ 55πŸ‘Ž


Michelle means a girl who is outgoing, doesn't care about anything, loves making fun of her friends, has a huge butt, has big tits, wide pelvis, not fat, very sexual.

Wow you look like you are Michelle

by Mole Moth September 29, 2010

46πŸ‘ 128πŸ‘Ž


Michel is an amazing guy everyone likes him but he only likes one person. He is scared to commit but loves talking to the people he likes. He is a joker so dont get to serious with him unless he is serious with you so if you like him be careful cuz he might joke about something you dont want him to, but we all know you’ll still like him. He’s awesome and if you dont like him then ur a disappointment. :)

person1: Hey whos ur crush
person2: Michel
person1: omg what rlly i heard he likes u ask him out
Person2: WHAT ARE YOU CRAZY! Ya we know he is sweet and all but you need to know him for a while for him to commit to that
person1: ok feez sorry
person2 its fine

by tounge__kid April 1, 2020

201πŸ‘ 14πŸ‘Ž


Super passionate humanitarian, compassionate animal lover, very intelligent, humorous and very resourceful. A genuinely beautiful individual inside and out which is rare in this world!! Very friendly, honest and vocal in her opinions.. A perfectionist who wants everything at its best. A charismatic person who loves animals, boating, cooking and entertaining, gardening, shopping and taking photos. A VERY SPECIAL GEM UNLIKE ANY OTHER!!

"Michele always wins a war of wits through determination and strategy"

by Chelanna December 21, 2016

785πŸ‘ 94πŸ‘Ž


the hottest thembo u can imagine.
they b super real 2 & have the best dance moves.
also r always good 4 a surprise and caring if they like u.

a: have u seen this amazing tornado of a thembo dancin super hot/cute yesterday?
b: yeah! they a real michel!!!

by 69hyacinth69 August 11, 2022

20πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


1.A girl who does not try yet always gets attention.
2.Musical girl with a modern siren like vibe.
3.A girl always causing men to "crash" due to her beauty.
4.Highly attractive female who could care less

-That girl is such a Michele!
-Man I wish my girlfriend could be like a Michele!!

by Anonymous4vr March 30, 2008

2088πŸ‘ 617πŸ‘Ž


Not only in Christian religion, but also in reality, Michele is a real angel. Indeed he is physically and mentally extremely attractive. Michele will always helps you out without asking anything in return. Moreover he has the great ability to make you laugh also when you are really down. You MUST NOT use him or betray him, because he will never forgive you and you will lose the best person in the world forever.

Wow, I thought I would never fall in love again, but Michele changed my mind.

by stuckcolma November 23, 2021