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mild shower

when you gotta pull a quick one and take a shower where you don't wash your hair and maybe shave your legs

that hoe lexi must of taken a mild shower, her hair is greasy

her hair is greasy but her legs are smooth af, she probably took a mild shower

yo she rushed out the door and probably took a mild shower

by mildshower June 14, 2017

Belmont Milds

Belmont Milds, now just referred to as Belmont(s) by smokers due to government regulations prohibiting the use of phrases like "light and Mild" on Tobacco Cigarette products are a brand of premium Canadian Tobacco Cigarette. Despite initial reports and rumors from smokers that Belmonts would be discontinued this never occurred. This may be attributed to the fact that this brand and Canadian Tobacco Industry once again saw a resurgence of popular youth smokers within the "hipster" and "party crowd" in Canada. Also that Benson & Hedges a British company that manufactures Belmont Cigarette may have felt they would lose a large market share of Canadian Tobacco Cigarette smokers to other Canadian brands as it's there only Canadian Cigarette brand.

Made with a Charcoal Filter if you open the filter of a Belmont you would find small fragments of Charcoal which gives the Cigarette an unique taste by removing certain impurities (Some smokers may say this is just an attempt to overlay bad Tobacco).

Consumer "I'd like a pack of Belmont Milds Kingsize please"
Shopkeep "That would be $12.50"
Consumer "Fuck"

by derpderpdongs August 16, 2009

42πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž

Wild mild

British term for the word "Erection"

"Heyyyyy Aari do you have a Wild Mild?"
"Yeah, why wouldn't I when I'm around someone as ravishingly handsome as you TJ"
"Thanks, but I already knew I was humble"

by RigMaster14345 April 28, 2017

10πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

black & mild

A cigar people smoke when they

A. can't afford cigarettes
B. Don't like cigarettes
Comes in different flavors and either wood or plastic tips.
Also known as blacks

Thug 1: Aye man you wanna go half me on some cigs.
Thug 2: Nah I'm broke.
Thug 1: Let's go get a black & mild

by kingezra August 14, 2015

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mild sauce

a mixture of barbecue sauce, ketchup and hot sauce that is commonly found in Chicago, mostly SouthSide BBQ/chicken joints such as Harold's and Leon's.

can i get 6 wings with mild sauce, hot sauce, salt and pepper??

by mello yellow December 9, 2009

218πŸ‘ 73πŸ‘Ž

Mild Bitch

A word to describe someone who would love to go full out bitch on someone, but lacks the mean nature required to do so.

She is a mild bitch, even even when she’s really angry, she’s just cute; it makes people laugh.

by Annie-B February 7, 2019

green and mild

A Black and Mild that has the tobacco replaced with weed.

We picked up some chronic, bought a pack of Black and Milds, and chilled and smoked green and milds all day.

by bluntedindetroit February 25, 2010

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