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Lady Moisture

*in old english accent*
The fluid that is produced when a female is sexually aroused.

Fruit puch is the devil's lady moisture.

by swaggie# May 6, 2014

moisture farm

A social media profile where seemingly every post is a thirst trap, so much so that the casual observer is unable to tell if it may be run by a bot.

Wait, do you actually know this guy? He followed me on insta but his feed is such a moisture farm I thought it was fake.

by LanceATX May 10, 2018

moisture meter

A 10 point FDA certified scale of vaginal moisture. 1 being equivalent to the Sahara Desert and 10 being Niagra Falls.

My girl about drowned me last night. She was totally a 10 on the moisture meter.

by Coco Sean August 3, 2017

moisture muffin

When a womans pubic jungle is shaved in a circular patch directly above her whispering eye; resembling a muffin.

Frank-"Wow Kathy, what do you do to keep your moisture muffin lookng and smelling so fresh?"

by Jorts McVagisil December 3, 2009

8๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

Enslaved moisture

Water trapped in a plastic bottle

โ€œAh yes, enslaved moisture.โ€

by stonks22 June 30, 2019

33๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

Moisture Pig

A 400 pound plus male or female human life form that just sits around and eats and sweats. These humans leach off of the system to the point that they suck up any moisture around them as well as food and beverage and leave no moisture, food or beverage for any other hard working human.

A moisture pig is worse than a swamp donkey and less athletic.

A moisture pig also is greatly affected by gravity and spends a lot of time on the ground, typically due to falling.

Look at the size of the hair diaper on that moisture pig.

That moisture pig stood so close to me that it dehydrated me!

by Bshifters December 15, 2019

Gas Moisture

Residue of fart - A slipperiness between the butt cheeks caused by poo particles and moisture released from a fart.. Fermenting Gas moisture is thought to be the cause of Butt Cheese or Honey Butt.

I've been fartin so much I have gas moisture - I need to pop to the toilet to check, I'm sure the residue of all my farts will be brown.
This Mexican food has given me gas moisture (morning after, wipe check)

by nick packer September 26, 2007