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Reverse Molotov Cocktail

when you throw beer bottles at fire.

Bro- "Dude, light that shit up!"
Dude-"We already got a good fire going, douche. I'll just throw it. Reverse molotov cocktail."

by bootooooo August 12, 2010

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Mexican-Molotov cocktail

This cocktail refers to a trinity of three Mexican superpower cleaning agents: Ajax, bleach, and Fabuloso.

After all my family left, I whipped out the Mexican-Molotov cocktail and did some ferocious cleaning.

by Subie Chica October 27, 2018

Shit bomb/Molotov cocktail

The act of shitting in a bag (optional add cum) and lighting on fire creating a โ€œshit Molotov cocktailโ€ and throwing it towards someone house.

Damn itโ€™s a Shit bomb/molotov cocktail we better get ready to eat yum yum

by 42dicksinabag August 17, 2019

Virgin Molotov cocktail

A Virgin Molotov cocktail is a crude hydration weapon which consists of a glass bottle semi-filled with non flammable liquid, usually water, the mouth of the bottle is stoppered with a cork or other type of airtight bung (rubber, glass, or plastic), and a cloth rag fixed securely around the mouth.

The robots were exterminated using virgin molotov cocktails

by Jimmy the Jackal June 6, 2022