Source Code

Mongolian Ladder

Three or more individuals perform oral copulation balanced upon each others' shoulders. The person standing on the ground forms the base of the ladder, the second participant sits on the shoulders of the first permitting oral genital contact, and so on. The maximum height of the ladder is determined by the strength of the participants.

Those circus people are freaky yo - I heard they runnin' Mongolian Ladders all night long!

by Stumpy23 February 22, 2008

308πŸ‘ 54πŸ‘Ž

Mongolian Monocle

This involves sir poking his meat up the sphicter of his partner, before withdrawing and tracing a brown ring around her, or indeed his, eye.

Proceeding to poke the eye without permission is bad form. This would result in a game of "Mongolian Snooker".

"What's with your eye-patch, Julian ?"

"Well Nigel, that swine Toby was giving me a Mongolian Monocle, when he got all hog-wild and potted the white !"

by OneEyedNigel June 5, 2009

28πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

Mongolian Goggles

When a man places his testicles over the eyes of a woman or someone incapacitated by alcohol for a sexual or joking purpose.

Frank was so wasted last night that when he passed out John gave him Mongolian Goggles.

by Coitus Maximus January 28, 2009

73πŸ‘ 14πŸ‘Ž

Mongolian Motorcoach

Tour bus full of Chinese people that speak no English.

Another Mongolian Motorcoach crashed and burned in the Grand Canyon today.

by Fotofly November 24, 2010

13πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

dirty mongolian

the act of having violent dry humping sex on a bunk bed (the top bunk) and causing the bed to break

Donald pulled a dirty mongolian last night, i thought there was an earthquake.

by Corrado2A March 7, 2010

38πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž

Mongolian Beefeater

One who enjoys the act of cunnilingus and willfully disregards excess hair or smell on the beef curtains.

Ralph was ravenous for vagina he didn't care that the pussy wasn't trimmed or washed, he was a Mongolian Beefeater.

by Mongolian Beefeater October 6, 2010

70πŸ‘ 16πŸ‘Ž

Mongolian Mudslide

Careful preparation is crucial to successful execution of the Mongolian Mudslide:
1. 8 to 12 hours before the planned festivities, the man eats a robust meal consisting of late night taco truck fare, corn nuts drenched in habanero bean dip, cheap beer, and perhaps some questionable sushi from a gas station.
2. Chug a jug of Exlax or similarly aggressive diarrhea inducing agent.

When the time is right, the man straddles the woman’s chest and proceeds to receive a vigorous blow job. When things are heating up, the man unloads his colon with a fury normally reserved for a menacing volcano, evenly across the woman’s chest. The man then turns his attention to titty fucking those now muddy mountains. When the man cums, he is careful to artfully puts some snow on the tops of the two muddy mountains.

With some patience and practice, the Mongolian Mudslide can be a veritable piece of art, so don’t forget to take pictures for the family Holiday card.

Dude, did you see Lester’s photo of his Mongolian Mudslide? It was like a fuckin Bob Ross masterpiece with those happy little teats!

by Moit lives January 28, 2017