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Jackson County Muzzleloader

Similar to the Montana Musket Loader but in place of a woman, its your cousin. When you are making sweet love to your cousin you throw some good ol' Copenhagen long cut in your lip then after a minute or two you take it out and place it on your cousin's anus and stuff it in with your penis.

I wanted to hunt this morning but I got a Jackson County Muzzleloader last night and I won't be able to walk until I'm ready for another beer, which is now.

by Dirt606 February 19, 2021

Idaho muzzleloader

When you take a freshly chewed dip of Copenhagen mint long cut and put in in another males anus. Then use your penis as a ram rod to shove it in.

Charles spit his dip into Dan's ass and whipped out his penis with the quickness. Dan was officially Idaho muzzleloader.

by 2pesk July 26, 2022

Mississippi Muzzleloader

The act of packing your ball sack into a woman’s asshole using your dick as the ramrod.

I gave my cousin Sara a Mississippi Muzzleloader yesterday after church.

by Y0 N3PH3W. January 6, 2023

Mississippi Muzzleloader

A distinguished sex act performed by a gentleman unto another. The recipient throws their legs over their head, while the gentleman assumes the piledriver position above them.

The gentleman enters anally, and after a time, yanks out his beauregard, drops his entire tobacco chew in their southern plantation, and then packs it in like he's loading an inferior Confederate firearm.

"Bless her heart, she's walking like her gentleman turned her Antebellum into a Mississippi Muzzleloader"

by PhatRob August 31, 2022

Montgomery Muzzleloader

The sexual act of having sex with a woman on her menstrual cycle and not removing the tampon first which requires her afterwards to squat down and push out the tampon with a cough causing it to fire out a massive discharge of cotton, blood, and cum.

Steve and Sally were so drunk the other night they forgot to take her tampon out first so he wound up giving her the ol' Montgomery Muzzleloader.

by Mr.X- April 27, 2024

Diabetic Muzzleloader

When a woman with low blood sugar is lying on her back being skull fucked, and the man pulls out, places a snickers bar in her mouth, then thrusts it down her throat.

Did you hear about Shelby last night?

No, what happened?

Justin had to do the diabetic muzzleloader last night.

by Big debby March 1, 2023


The act of blowing cocaine into a girls anus, then proceeding to have anal sex.

My dick was numb after doing the muzzleloader to that girl last night.

by alwaysdabbin January 19, 2016