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A sporting event consisting entirely of an endless series of left turns in which millions patiently wait for someone to turn right.

I just don't understand NASCAR

by blindspot February 18, 2005

347๐Ÿ‘ 284๐Ÿ‘Ž


Association for

A sport most popular in the South Eastern part of the United States. It consists of cars going around at very high speeds and can drivers can get seriously injured or die.

Don't forget to watch NASCAR race on Sunday.

by Swarsfanatic June 1, 2005

761๐Ÿ‘ 648๐Ÿ‘Ž


What rednecks call a sport. NASCAR is purely about going in a oval, turning left for about a hundred laps, while wasting gas on their V-8s.

NASCAR fanatics say NASCAR is a sport because the temperatures inside the car can reach 120F. But so do other forms of auto racing.

Rallying requires more skill than just turning left. Super GT also has 120F temps inside cars, but they actually require REAL skill, not turning around some oval for 100 or so laps.

NASCAR is not a sport.

by Zakamaru June 6, 2007

251๐Ÿ‘ 230๐Ÿ‘Ž



also know as the second most popular sport in the United States of America. second only to the NFL.

NASCAR is the most popular form of racing in North America

by kjdsflh;kda February 24, 2008

83๐Ÿ‘ 70๐Ÿ‘Ž


Seemingly monotonous event where overpaid grease-monkeys drive around in shotty cars endorsed by various fast-food places and penis pills. Perhaps a cry of help originating from Lower Appalachia in a region known as Wal-Mart and Piggly-Wiggly Land. Note the resemblance of NASCAR to FASTCAR; perhaps a redneck auditory mishap. People who watch NASCAR are usually the same people who drive around in 1500 dollar cars, listen to Garth Brooks, and condemn people who have half an ounce of class.

The only thing to break the monotony of that thurr NASCAR race was that gnarly crash that killed Dale Earnheart Sr! Perfect 10, 10, 10, and ooh, a 9.5 from the Russians; truly an atheletic event to bear witness to.

by Pimpmaster5000 June 12, 2004

225๐Ÿ‘ 221๐Ÿ‘Ž


An excuse to drink beer, with races usually boring and long in length, gratified only by the cataclysmic crashes observed by inebreiated white people.

Simplified to turning left over and over again, it is the most retarded type of racing.

NASCAR also has an innumberable amount of official sponsors, from Dominos to Best Western.

Bob: "Hey, it's been 342 laps, don't you think this NASCAR race has gotten a bit repetitive?"

Jim: "Hell no! My moneh sez #4 is gonna crash and burn!"

by Coqui November 11, 2005

128๐Ÿ‘ 121๐Ÿ‘Ž


a so called "sport" (its really not) that involves a bunch of shiny fiberglass cars going around in circles. the sport generally attracts chunky hicks and rednecks no matter how you try to warp it. People of low IQ make up for it in their knowledge of NASCAR.

Billy Bob:"Man i sho do love all them shiny cars goin 'round that there track ya'll"

Sam:"I love NASCAR more than i love bisquits and gravy"

by ness13 September 3, 2004

147๐Ÿ‘ 142๐Ÿ‘Ž