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stalking the neighborhood

something to do in the suburbs when you're bored. leave zucchinis on your neighbor's porches (but only on leave a zucchini on your neighbor's porch day), show up univited to people's houses you barely know, make a fool of yourself on the street.

man i'm bored what do you wanna do?
i dunno let's go stalk the neighborhood

by v. March 30, 2005

ethnic neighborhood

An area with a much higher concentration of a particular ethnic or cultural group that doesnt dominate in the general population.

It could be as small as one side of a single block where all the residents are of Tibetan descent and the businesses are thusly themed...
or it could be as large as a 2 square mile area dominated by Spanish or Cantonese speaking population.

Also known as an enclave.

Visiting an ethnic neighborhood can be like entering an entirely different world. Save's a lot on travel expenses natch!

by Miskatonic Jack 2 August 5, 2010

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Neighborhood skank

Something girls don't often battle over, or take credit for.

Girl 1- I'm the biggest skank in the neighborhood, that makes me the neighborhood skank.
Girl 2 pulls out a pistol, shoots Girl 1 in the head and asks who is the neighborhood skank now bitch?

by Solid Mantis September 11, 2017

Meatball Neighborhood

A community or area with a large population of Italians or people of Italian descent.

Tony moved to the meatball neighborhood of New York because he missed nonna's cooking.

by canyousmellwhtthetrumpiscookin March 1, 2019

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neighborhood bike

A Whore, Slut, Ect.

She's the neighborhood bike. "Everyone Gets a Ride"

by Wild January 12, 2004

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neighborhood music

a great album and song by the famous chicano rapper il rob.

neighborhood music, givin back neighborhood music.
when we cruise around, the brown side of town....

by highrida4rmgrapestreet BBK June 25, 2005

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There goes the neighborhood!

The first you-name-the-ethnic-group has moved in, and the racist neighbors are restless.

"We're from Remulac. It's a village in France."
"There goes the neighborhood."

by Octopod November 6, 2003

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