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Nadia is a wonderful human being you wanna keep. Nadia is also beautiful and gorgeous. Someone you def wanna marry

Dude 1: Mannn look at Nadia bro she's so fine bro I want her
Dude 2: dude... That's my gf

by Confusedlj lol April 25, 2022

18πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž


The name of the best friend a girl can have ever. She will listen to you complain forever and always be there for you with great advice. She is also really beautiful and has a tendency to love spongebob, huge earrings, and hate feet.

I finally talked with Nadia today after forever, it was great. I love my sister! <3

by wiggly,wiggly January 7, 2012

566πŸ‘ 213πŸ‘Ž


A stunning girl, that even though she may say little has the most beautiful voice. Her smile lights up the room and when she crys the whole world stops and feels her pain. She does not show her weakness but has the ability to make anyone else feel better. With no more than 3 words she can brighten you day..."I LOVE YOU"
And after all this you can trust her, love her and she will never hurt you.
she is defined in hope, love, faith, guiance, niceness and equality...she has the most beautiful look on the world
she is hot, sexy, big boobs and stunning hair with amazing big eyes that make you melt and a killer sexy stare

that nadia is the best thing to happen to me

my girlfriend is such a nadia

she is almost a nadia

by ninjanam77 April 30, 2011

1193πŸ‘ 478πŸ‘Ž


This is a person who is simply amazing. She will be the best friend you have ever had and not turn her back on you. They will be the most attractive women you come across. She will generally have dark brown thick hair and hazel eyes. In addition she will have really nice teeth that are good for biting your fingers. Women named Nadia, tend to have a strong relationship with their pet. Especially if their pet is a Shih-Tzu named Bentley. This woman will also have an infatuation with Panda Bears and Gerbera Daisies. They are usually drawn to the diverse culture in city areas, but their roots point westwards towards the suburbs. This is a woman you should marry and spend the rest of your life with. The only thing you shouldn't do is give her anything with peanut butter, Nadia's generally dislike peanut butter.

Oh, did you see the way that girl looked at me, that must have been a Nadia.
Ouch, she bit me like a Nadia.
That girl hates peanut butter, such a Nadia.`

by Mr.Taller January 20, 2012

297πŸ‘ 113πŸ‘Ž


1. A woman that has a beautiful/sophisticated presense.
2. Someone (male/female) who excels at school work.

'In order to dance ballet, you must become a Nadia'
'See that couple over there? They're both Nadia's'

by Watcha123456 February 7, 2009

1606πŸ‘ 717πŸ‘Ž


She’s the prettiest girl who alive, she's very hot and so cool, she's the type of someone who like to spend all day in front of mirror and stare at her self, she so in love with her self, she get butterflies in her stomach from her self, all she cares is about her self and her happiness that's the reason why she never get a boyfriend, she's a girlboss btw

in conclusion : Nadia is the hottest.


by girlboszzzs November 24, 2021

15πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž


The girl who steals your heart. She is hilarious, beautiful and smart. Her accent is adorable and her funny comments make your day. She makes you feel like you're the only girl in the world.

I love her. She is my Nadia

by MishDee72 November 25, 2021

17πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž